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Inioluwa Sarai Adebayo
     SS2. The class it all changed. Secrets were exposed, Hearts were being broken, people lied, people cried. Everything just seemed to be...chaotic.
It's all because of a party, a damn party that got me in this mess in the first place, maybe if I hadn't agreed to come, everything would have stayed the same, but if wishes were horses beggars would ride.
       I was happy with my little bubble of nonchalance, holding on to the last thread of sanity I had left.  Feeling belonged yet isolated in my little clique of friends, yeah it was all perfect like that... Till it happened.
   He Happened..

      Oladimeji Jordan Williams
   I never knew her, never saw her till SS2. Yeah, I guess that's when it all started.
When I started noticing every little detail about her, from the way she wrinkled her nose when she felt disgusted by something, to the way her eyebrow would go higher when she was in disbelief or suspicious.
She had a nice smile and pretty eyes... But her eyes, they were cold and distant, this faraway look in them that yearned for something that she could never reach. A wistful longing.

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