001. (Introduction)

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Inioluwa Sarai Adebayo

After going through my morning with 3 cups of coffee and literally dragging myself to the bathroom for a bath, I was sitting in the cafeteria during break, feeling like shit and trying to subdue my growing headache and my best friends weren't helping matters.
Hazel was sitting beside me grinning and laughing to herself as she typed furiously on her phone, Tamara was reading a book as always occasionally giggling as she flipped the pages, and Val was flipping the pages of her latest teen magazine.
Everywhere was quiet yet so loud, deciding to rest my head a little, I hadn't even gone far when I felt somebody's hand on my head and a very annoying voice which I wish I could just ignore...

"BABES!" Hezekiah said or more like he screamed as he pulled a seat beside me and sat down

"Hezekiah what do you want?"

Hazel said as she switched off her phone and looked at him with a deep scowl on her face who didn't seem to bother him one bit

"Woah, hold up I was passing by and I thought " why not check on my 4 favourite girls in the world" so..here I am" he said as he stole a piece of fry from Tamara's plate

" Hezekiah, seriously that's all you got" Tamara said as she looked up and smiled

"Ok! Fine, so I'm holding a party tonight and I'll really love it, if you guys could come"
He asked as he looked at us, a hopeful glint in his eyes

" Um"
"Yes, We'll come"
Hazel said immediately as she glanced at us

" Ok, then I'll send the address, 7pm thanks and please be there, don't ghost me like last time"

" We know Hezekiah, we know"
Val said as she closed her magazine and took a sip from her cocktail

" Thanks"
He smiled as he walked away, his hands in the pocket of his hoodie

" So much for a good night sleep" Val said as she sighed

" Oh! Come on, you guys need this, after everything we went through in SS1, you guys need to cool off some steam"

Hazel said as she stood up and arranged her uniform, checking her latest Rolex watch, yeah, baby girl wears rolex

" Besides my girls need to enjoy themselves, so what do you guys say?"

She said as she arranged her faux and looked at us, about two minutes later, Val sighed and said

" Fine, I guess a party won't hurt"

" ok,then" Tamara replied as she packed her notes and stood up
" bye, guys we have literature"

Tamara said as she looked at me, her eyes literally saying " get the fuck up", I looked at her lost until it tinged in my head

"oh!, Sorry" I said as I quickly grabbed my bag and stood up, and walked towards the class.

School had finally finished, and 4 hours later, we're all seated in Hazel's room few hours to the party, none of us ready or
Even prepared.
Hazel was in the shower having her bath, Val was putting on her face mask while Tamara and I were still in our Robes.

"Honestly, there's nothing to do nowadays, I'm so bored"
Val said as she scrolled through her phone lazily

"That's why we need these party, something to get our mind off things just for a little while"

Hazel said as she walked out of the bathroom, her hair in a towel as she rubbed a lotion on her face, her white robe tied securely on her body

"You guys don't feel like going, cause I feel like I'm forcing you guys to do what you don't want to do"

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