002. (Just a Party)

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~•~• Oladimeji Jordan Williams ~•~•

Hezekiah's party was like every typical high school Nigerian party, but more wild.

Loud banging music, Half naked girls, Horny teenage boys and practically any alcoholic drinks you could think off.

I wasn't usually the party type, so it was a wonder to me, why I was seated in Hezekiah's bar with a cup of Bailey's in my hand and Michael Nosa seated next to me.

Michael Nosa, the most cool headed and laid back person in our set.
An Introvert, with a surprisingly good sense of humour and one of the best basket ball player Crest High has ever seen.

They were two things, Michael never played with; Basketball and Michelle Nosa, his twin sister.
They were like two mismatched shoes.
Him, the Quiet, calm and reserved elder brother.
She, the always talking, chippy and Vibrant twin sister.

He's one of those guys who have everything they need, but never flaunt it.
He's humble to The core and I respect him for that.
He was wearing a dark blue jeans. A black Burberry shirt, a pair of white Adidas sneakers and a single neck chain.

"Coach's been on my neck for the past two days, State finals are coming up next week and he isn't satisfied with our performance, said you and Caleb should meet him in the stadium after school on monday" He said as he sipped from his drink

" Ok, I'll tell Caleb, Have you started practicing? "

He was about to respond, when he stopped, his gaze fixed on something or more like someone behind me.
Following his eye sight, I found the cause of his staring

Michelle Nosa was laughing at something Dayo said, his hand casually resting on her waist as she kept talking.
Michael might be cool and collected, but very protective of his Sister.
Like a sixth sense, she looked up and saw him glaring at dayo, she smiled at dayo and promised to continue the conversation later, she picked up her bag and started walking towards us.

She looked good, she wore a knee length sky blue, off shoulder gown with a denim Jean jacket, a pair of black air Jordan's, a necklace and a purse.
She got to us, waved at me and sat down beside Michael.
He kept in looking at her, a disapproving look on his face, she just smiled and called on the waiter.

"I'll take -"

"A cup of water, please" Michael interrupted her


"No Alcohol for you, I promised mum, you wouldn't drink"
He said as he handed her the cup of water

"So much for freedom" she muttered under her breath, but we still heard it
What do I drink then?"

She complained as she set the cup of water forcefully on the table

"There's a bottle of Non Alcoholic wine in the kitchen, Hezekiah said he wouldn't mind" He said as he casually scrolled through his phone
"Kill Joy" She mumbled as she stood up, walking towards the kitchen

"You're welcome" he said as he blew her a kiss
They looked so funny....so childish
I guess that's how you behave when you have an annoying younger sibling.

We waited for a while, but Michelle had not yet returned, Michael excused himself and went to the kitchen.
Two mins had hardly passed, when I heard raised voices coming from the kitchen.
The door was occupied with people talking and whispering among themselves, some their phones already out.
Pushing my way through, i stopped in my track.

Dare on the ground with a busted lip, a broken nose and a black eye with Michael towering over him.
His knuckles were busted and bleeding, but I guess he didn't feel a thing. He was seething with rage.

Michelle held on to his shirt, begging him to stop but it felt like his senses were not working anymore.
Dare looked up and smirked, licking his lips, as he tried standing up, swaying slightly as he held on to the edge of the kitchen island

"Don't act like you don't know Michael, your sister's hot cake, I really wish, I could-"

He had not completed his statement, when Michael dragged him by the collar and smashed his face into the marble island

Woah, someone should hold him

He's going to kill him

Someone should Video! This is gold


Everyone kept talking, but no one wanted to do anything.
I was about to call his name when Michelle held his hand, he paused and looked at her, anger swirling in his eyes

"Please stop Michael, it's enough" she said, unshed tears brimming in her eyes as she pleaded
He looked at her one more time and lowered his hand, he dragged Dare by the collar and raised him up that they were face to face.
His voice dangerously low, but Loud enough for everyone to hear

"Touch her again and you become handicapped, speak about her again and you go dumb, look at her again and you are as well dead"

He looked at him one more time and flung him across the room.He took Michelle's hand and walked away, everyone making way for him, no one willing to be on his bad side.
I've Hardly seen Michael lose his cool, only when it concerns his Sister.
He was like a ticking time bomb around her, the slightest mistake and he goes off.

Everybody dispersed, walking back to the drinking booth, I noticed the once empty seat beside me was occupied.
Her back facing me as she sipped from a glass.
Brown thick curls bouncing softly as she moved her head to the music playing from her ear pods.
I sat down and ordered a glass of vodka. It wasn't t until the bar man had placed my drink before she turned towards me.

The most beautiful set of eyes, I had ever seen.
Brown Golden orbs coming in contact with my Hazel eyes.

She looked shocked to see me there, but then she quickly regained her self, she smiled. A pretty small smile.
She removed her ear pods and turned directly towards me, extending her hand for a hand shake

" Hi, I'm Inioluwa"

Author Note:

How did I do?😅
Honest thoughts please, I'm still New to all this.
Next chapter's coming soon

What is your thought on Michael and Michelle's relationship?
Do you think Dare deserved the beating? Because I do
Do you think Inioluwa is being too forward or not?

Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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