Initial Values of One's Life

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Schools and courses have more positiveness than negativeness: Cons: Limiting overall freewill, which, in all aspects, is very bad. Pros: relieving parents from stress, preparing you for the future; for both exam and daily routines. Provided jobs in schools, courses, and question makers. VERY OFTEN being successful in inspiring children and 'correcting' them. 

Combining versatilism with child labour (not compulsory) and also with a law prohibiting any way of forced child labour, the pro 'preparing for the future' and pro 'relieving parents from stress' cannot be some liable excuses.

As for 'jobs in schools courses and question makers': Only with the success of our battle against unemployment can make this 'not liable'.

'Very often being successful in inspiring children and 'correcting' them. This excuse is likely liable. And thus, schools will remain open until somebody makes this excuse no longer liable.

But of course, there may be more cons and pros about schools, it shall be a larger debate.

However, schools must have decent measures.

Welp, here we start. 

Do you ever get the feeling that you hate schools? In contrast to fictional novels, we need them, and they MUST be compulsory to be attended. Otherwise, consequences are more severe than you think: Countrymen will be stupid, uncaring and illiterate.  And you will believe anything that your friends and government say, for you don't know anything at all. But how far should the measure of this 'compulsory attendance' be?

In my belief, students should have the right to not come to school for at last 20 days. Or offer dozens of opportunities to compensate. 

English \ 

2day, many erroneously believe that you can already learn English through social media. Indeed, you can learn most basic things by it, but it is not enough nothing is ever enough when it comes to English. There are many words to remember, use, and practice. such as significant, officious, macabreness, symptomatic, callousness, get by, get off on, get it off(have xxx) as well as get it on(have xxx or become exited). Would you like to be the one who is being corrected or be the one who corrects?(Both sides are fine if ya ask me)


Being a religious person, on the contrary to the common belief, can be a very good thing. One must be reminded that religions forbid people from insulting other religions.  Being a religious person can help you abstain from committing crimes. Probably most prevented one: Suicide.

An exam can have either of two of these purposes : 1 to correct your mistakes, 2 to test you, differ you from others. In my belief, again, people should strive to ease the students as much as possible from the stress of failing the class.

It is clear without a doubt that people MISTAKENLY believe that those do good in exams are the 'people of future' 'blessed ones' in reality, we are all human, and we want equality.

Next topic, Versatilism. Yes the centre of my third way. If people recognise this, differentiations in humans will diminish significantly. 

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