epic fight!1!1!

458 10 5

defect: "i..im sorry..?"

bobo: "it's too fucking late for that, you should have thought of that before you took my father away from me."

(update: rebel is now bobos dad in this au, bobo was adopted by rebel basically)

defect: "i didn't k.. know he was y.. your dad..

bobo: "well you fucking shithead, now you do, he doesn't want to spend time with me or my brother cause YOU are dating him now."

defect: "i'm sure he has time for you but you just nee-"

bobo: "BE QUIET."

bobo: *his voice sounded distorted, he held his head in agony, looking at defect, he removed the rope from his arms.*

bobo: "ru..r..ru..run.."

defect: "bobo? bobo are you okay? what's happening?"

bobo: "RU.. R̶̭̖̺̤̰̪̘̫̤͚̓͂̆̕Ų̶̬̭̋̓͜UUŲ̸̱̥̑Ũ̵̠̅̈́͝ͅU̵̹̫̹̻͛̏͋̌̄͐̀͜ͅNnnN̷͉̳̆̏̇͝"

bobo: *some blue liquid fell from his eyes as blue horns appeared on his head, he cried out in pain as this black stuff went all over his arms and legs, almost going to his head and torso.*

defect: "SHIT."

defect: *he ran out, he called rebel, as he found a phone to use.*

rebel: *he immediately answered, he sounded worried.*

rebel: "hello? defect is this you?"


rebel: "are you okay?! just get home now, bobos asleep you'll be okay to come inside!"

defect: "bobo is NOT asleep and something is happee-"


rebel: "defect? defect answer me!"

bobo: "defect.. heh.."

bobo: *his voice sounded demonic, he was behind defect as he grabbed his neck, holding him up.*

defect: "oww! bobo! pu..put me d..dow..down.."

defect: *he said trying to kick him, he was chocking and could die at any point.*

rebel: *he walked in immediately pointing his gun at bobo, this usually happened and all you had to do was shoot 'it' he shot bobo in the arm.*

bobo: *the second the gunshot happened he stopped floating and became himself again, he healed himself.*

rebel: "what happened?! are you two okay?!"

bobo: "mhm.."

defect: "yeah i'm fine now."

rebel: *he took them both to the car and took them home, he put bobo to bed and hugged defect.*

rebel: "i'm sorry, that happens sometimes he can't control it."

defect: "oh okay, im sorry for disappearing."

rebel: "huh? people apologise for being kidnapped? that's funny, it wasn't your fault darling."

defect: *he blushed, looking up at him, he looked angry.. so he punched him lightly in a playful way.*

defect: "don't call me that."

rebel: "cute, your really adorable when your upset."

defect: "shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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