Chapter 9 Past Revisited

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Sunlight streamed through the windows of the cabin, waking Aiden as he lay on the furs that made up the bed he shared with Luka. He looked over at the sleeping boy and felt the bond between them pulse with love. Luka opened his eyes and looked at Aiden silently for a few moments.

"Good morning," Luka said smiling.

"Good morning," Aiden said kissing Luka softly.

"Did we really shift last night?" Luka said looking at Aiden with a smile.

"Yes, and you were magnificent!" Aiden said pulling Luka into his arms.

"Me, what about you, Wolf King!" Luka said hugging Aiden.

"Yes, I was amazing if I do say so myself." Aiden said. He let out a sigh.

Luka studied Aiden for a moment. "What is it?" he said.

"It is time we began to walk the road we were called to. I think we need to start with our packs. My pack is the closest, being on the Southwest border of the forest near Bane's Ridge. we should set out today, it will take us at least a day to get to the edge of the pack's territory. " Aiden got up and began to stoke the fire to heat up the remains of the venison stew he had cooked yesterday.


Aiden's boots crunched on the gravel-strewn path that wound its way up Bane's Ridge, each step an echo in the stillness of the encroaching twilight. Luka walked beside him, his breath visible in the cool evening air, a silvery mist that seemed to match his hair.

"This feels like a dream," Luka murmured, his gaze scanning the dense forest that bordered the path, where shadows stretched out like reaching fingers.

"More like a nightmare I can't wake up from," Aiden replied, his voice taut with a tension that matched the tightness in his chest. It had been years since he'd left his old pack, and now every step felt like a return to the life he had left.

The unfamiliar territory felt alive, aware of their intrusion, and Aiden could sense the change as he passed the border that marked the pack's territory, their presence a ripple in the otherwise calm wilderness. His amber eyes flickered to Luka, catching the uneasy tilt of his friend's head.

"Keep your senses sharp," Aiden advised, his instincts as a werewolf ever-vigilant. "I hear the pack has a new alpha."

As they finally crested the ridge, the moon began to rise, casting a silver glow over the land. It felt like a sign, a beacon in the darkness of their mission. Aiden took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

"Ready?" he asked, his tone laced with both dread and determination.

"Always," Luka replied, a faint smile curving his lips. "It is time for them to hear the words of Artemis and Apollo."

And together, they stepped forward into the heart of the pack's territory, a place where the past and future would clash beneath the watchful eye of the moon.

The scent of pine and damp earth mixed with the more pungent odors of wolf and territory markers as Aiden and Luka crossed the invisible line into the outskirts of the town of Bane's Ridge . A chorus of howls greeted their arrival. The trees stood like silent sentinels, their branches swaying gently in the night breeze, whispering secrets.

"Keep your head high," Aiden murmured, his amber eyes scanning the treeline for movement. "Show no fear."

"Never." Luka asked, his voice steady.

Pack members emerged as if materializing from the darkness itself, their eyes glowing with a feral curiosity. Murmurs rippled through the gathered wolves, a mixture of awe at the return of the prodigal son and skepticism at the sight of the silver-haired outsider by his side.

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