Chapter 14: On the Edge of Chaos

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Aiden's amber eyes flickered in the dim light of the tent. The scent of sage and earth filled his senses as he stood beside Luka, their eyes locked on the three shamans before them. Bel stood with a solemn expression on her face, her gaze distant.

"Wolf King, the compact has never been called and now it has," said the eldest shaman, his voice a deep rumble like the call of distant thunder. "we have much to discuss."

"Your wisdom is appreciated." Aiden replied, his tone cautious and guarded. His fingers twitched at his side, itching to reach for Luka whose presence calmed him. "Whatever information you can give us will help us to prepare."

"As you know Tiamat was the primordial goddess of Chaos in the babylonian pantheon. She and her consort Apsu ruled until Apsu wished to kill their children, the younger gods. The younger gods banded together and killed Apsu. 

 Tiamat in a rage gave birth to dragons and monsters and went to war with the younger gods. Their war threatened to shake the heavens and the other pantheons of Gods were concerned that all reality would cease to exist if this battle continued to rage. Marduk the God of Justice and Magic was able to slay Tiamat and end the war. 

 Because Tiamat was the essence of Chaos and could not be permanently destroyed. The Gods of all the pantheons decided that the Heart and Soul of Tiamat would be bound in a silver and gold casket forged by the powers of Apollo and Artemis, the Divine twins. This casket would be entrusted to the followers of the Sun and Moon. The people of the wolf to guard it for all eternity. Marduk would bury the casket in the earth and entrust the location of it to one person, who carried his blood. A dreamer that would pass down the blood of Marduk generation to generation guarding the location of the casket for eternity."

Luka's icy blue eyes took on a faraway look, Aiden realized something was happening. He held back a moment, waiting for Luka to return his attention to the shamans. Luka came back to himself and looked at Aiden. "Artemis says that they are speaking the truth. All of the Gods were afraid that Tiamat would rend reality so they banded together to help Marduk."

"The casket is an item of immense power, if it should fall into the hands of the Sons of Babylon, Tiamat could fly the winds of Chaos once again." a younger shaman said hearing the words Luka spoke.

"That is why I am here. The Blood of Marduk has been called on." Bel added, her voice soft but firm. "To ensure the casket remains protected."

Aiden's brows knit together as he processed the weight of the information presented to him. He felt the responsibility settle on his shoulders like a heavy cloak, and he knew Luka felt it as well.

"Can you tell us where the casket is?" Luka asked, his voice barely audible over the crackle of the fire.

The shamans exchanged glances before the eldest spoke once more. "That information is only known to the holder of the Blood. Bel speaks with the voice of Marduk, she alone knows where the casket lies."

Outside of the tent, Marcus, Ryker's beta was listening to what the Shaman's were saying. He had cleverly cut a slit in the back of the tent so he could hear better. He knew that Aiden and Luka were up to something but he had no idea that the shamans had been hiding a secret of this magnitude. He had to let Ryker know. He slowly walked off into the shadows of the forest heading back to the Alpha den to report to Ryker.

The flickering shadows of the tent's interior danced menacingly around them as the shamans continued to speak, their voices low and somber. Aiden and Luka locked eyes for a brief moment, each acknowledging the gravity of the situation without words. Luka's hand found Aiden's and took it. It was a small gesture but suddenly a world turned upside down righted itself.

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