Chapter 10: A party and a kidnapping

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The sun dipped behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor as preparations for the Moon Prince and Wolf King's Banquet reached a fever pitch. The Bane Ridge Pack's territory transformed from a pristine woodland into a celebration ground adorned with silvery-blue moonflowers and glowing orbs that hung like stars amongst the trees.

Aiden stood off to the side, observing the flurry of activity as werewolves he knew growing up busily set up tables laden with a feast fit for royalty. His amber eyes scanned the rapidly changing scene, taking in the artfully arranged silverware and crystal goblets that caught the fading sunlight, casting prismatic patterns on the forest floor.

"Quite the spectacle, isn't it?" A voice spoke softly from behind him, causing Aiden to turn abruptly.

Standing before him was the Shamanof the tribe with a mane of white hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom. He was draped in robes adorned with intricate symbols and held a gnarled wooden staff in his hands - the unmistakable mark of his office.

"Indeed," Aiden replied, trying to mask his surprise. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Ah, well, this is no ordinary gathering," the Shaman said with a knowing smile. "The fates have decreed this union between the Moon Prince and Wolf King, the packs are threatened and Apollo and Artemis send their best warriors to lead us.

Aiden shifted uncomfortably under the weight of the shaman's gaze, keenly aware of the expectations placed upon Luka and himself. The anxiety bubbled up inside him, threatening to surface.

"Am I ready for this?" he asked, his voice barely audible above the noise around them. "What if I'm not... what if I can't be the leader they need me to be?"

"Ah, Aiden," the Shaman sighed, his voice gentle and soothing. "There is no shame in doubt, but you must not let it consume you. Apollo chose you for a reason - he see within you the strength and resilience that will guide our people into this new age."

"Trust in yourself and your mate, young one," he continued, placing a reassuring hand on Aiden's shoulder. "the packs will follow."

Aiden nodded slowly, trying to absorb the wisdom offered by the respected elder. It was clear that the Shaman held great influence within the pack, and his words carried weight. As the two stood there in quiet understanding, the last of the sunlight vanished, giving way to the silvery glow of the moon.

"Come now," the Shaman said softly, gesturing towards the banquet tables. "The celebration is about to begin."

As the festivities of the banquet commenced, laughter and camaraderie filled the air, with werewolves mingling and feasting together. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation for what was to come. Amidst the merriment, Ryker, the Alpha of the Bane Ridge Pack, stood in quiet contemplation, his keen eyes scanning the crowd.

"Alpha Ryker," called out a familiar voice, snapping him back to the present. His Beta, Marcus, approached.

"Marcus, what have you found out??" Ryker asked, interest in his voice as he took notice of his Beta's eager posture.

"Ryker, I've just received word about Luka," Marcus began hesitantly, lowering his voice to ensure their conversation remained private. "It appears he was exiled from the Golden Crescent Pack."

"Exiled?" Ryker repeated softly, "Why?"

"Rumors say his pack turned its back on him when it was found out he couldn't shift," Marcus replied cautiously, watching for any sign of reaction from Ryker. "If there is more, we don't have the details yet."

"Damn it," Ryker muttered under his breath, his gaze drifting towards Luka who was engaged in lively conversation with Aiden. He needed to find a way to get rid of Luka and the influence he had over his pack as Prince of the Moon.

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