Chapter 9 - Do You Think You are Special?

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Sebastian's pulse pounded against his own eardrums as he raced away from the spot where he'd been standing beneath the floating platform, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He tried to convince himself that he had only imagined the wet sound of lips meeting, but deep down, he knew he hadn't. Fuck.

Why had he sat there and listened like that? Why? Why hadn't he left the moment he realised where the conversation was going? Not that it mattered. Even if he hadn't heard, it would still be happening. Fuck.

His mind cruelly started to conjure visions of his Darling wrapped up in Vinnie Burke's arms. Images of every glorious dream he'd ever had of her seemed to reach up out of his subconscious to taunt him, plastering Vinnie's face over his own. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He almost longed for that possessive fire he'd felt in that twisted dream of his. At least it was better than what he was feeling now. Now— there was no fire. If anything, it felt like drowning, every desperate breath for air only stung his lungs, making his chest ache.

Sebastian rounded the corner to find the party still in full swing, his eyes locked onto the distant bonfire. He had to get out of here – to the Undercroft – to seek refuge in that dark corner of the castle where it would be safe to cry, to scream, to break things— anything to help him release this horrid suffocating feeling inside him.


He found his way barred by Samantha Dale in a feathery black dress, her raven mask pulled up onto her head. "Did you find Darling? Is she alright?"

Sebastian ran a hand through his hair impatiently, struggling to keep the turmoil within him from showing on his face. The last thing he needed was someone prying into his fresh wound.

It had been Samantha who had prompted him to look for Darling in the first place— going on about her brother and some sort of fight. He'd just wanted to make sure she was alright. When he'd seen the magical floating platform had been moved he'd been sure that's where she must have gone.

He'd been about to call out for her when he'd heard Vinnie's voice, and rather than announce his presence or just accept she was fine and leave— he'd stood there, holding his breath, determined to hear every word. Like an idiot.

He'd wanted to— he didn't know— find out if his suspicions were true? Or maybe get some proof that they were false— that he was just imagining things. Well now he knew.


"She's fine," he managed to say through gritted teeth, trying not to focus on just how fine she was. He wished Samantha would step aside, he needed to get out of here before he lost it.

"Oh good," she sighed, "Sorry again, about my brother, he's an idiot. I have no idea how he ended up in Ravenclaw. And don't even get me started on his friend Corbin. I heard the sorting hat wanted to put him in Gryffindor but he told it to put him in Ravenclaw just cause he liked the blue uniforms better—"

Sebastian was struggling not to lash out at her rambling, he didn't want her or anyone else to know how much distress he was in, but still, could she really not pick up on the fact that he was desperate to get away right now? It seemed incredible considering how loud his heart was beating. To him it was deafening, and yet somehow even over its thundering he could still hear the insipid sounds of kissing playing on repeat in the back of his mind. He needed a distraction.

A distraction...

He looked down at Samantha. It was a foul thought, and yet— She was pretty, and smart, and Anne liked her... but she wasn't Darling.

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