Chapter 6

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   They watched the warehouse carefully on the days before Thursday. His team marked down every person who came near the building and scoured the city for the criminal. Cole laid out plans with his team. They'd be armed, equipped with protective gear and start their search in the building, hopefully Kai would be brought in with little restraint. Cole would miss searching for his eyes across town but oh well. At least he would be caught and people would be proud of Cole. Maybe his dad would come to town to congratulate him, give him a pat on the back. Maybe they'd get sushi.

   "On Thursday we'll get our gear on and barge in." Cole pointed towards the entrance of the warehouse. "Then we'll stick in teams and search the area. It's only one man right?" The team nodded and they moved forward in making teams. Placing certain people together and others apart. Everyone left work and prepared for tomorrow. Thursday, yay!

   And so Thursday came. He was with his team in a dark van going over the plan for storming the building. Cole had atleast six other officers with him. they would split into teams of two, Cole going by himself. The warehouse was dark as they arrived. Light from the streetlamps illuminated Cole's face. His team walked towards the front door. They opted for a quiet approach, however that didn't change the unsteady feeling everyone had. Fear crept up their backs--sure the criminal hadn't done anything particularly dangerous in this era of messing around, but everyone knew better then to underestimate him. You don't become Ninjago's most wanted without knocking out a few guys. With a creak the warehouse doors slid open. Inside the building was a set of large, crusty, gray walls. They created barricades between different sections of the main floor. It was almost like a maze, a labrynth. There were four different entrances into the maze. Perfect for every team to go through one entrance.

   "We will split up here, at the first sign of trouble radio to the rest of us with your walkie-talkie," Cole stated.

   "Alright, are you sure you're good to go by yourself?" one officer questioned Cole, but he quickly reassured him that he'd be fine. It didn't really matter if he meant it or not, if someone was catching the criminal it'd be Cole. Just imagine how proud everyone would be. People would applaud and pat his back, maybe offer dinner so they could catch up, maybe that person would take a day off just for Cole. Man that's the dream isn't it? The teams waited outside each entrance for Cole's word to go in. Impatient, Cole nodded quickly. Going into the maze brought more nerves and overthinking thoughts into view. What if this was all for nothing? Kai could very easily just be messing with him and who would know? The gray walls were lined with leaky pipes that Cole focused on instead of questions he wasn't sure he'd get answers to. His echoing footsteps created an illusion of multiple people being in the halls, but anytime Cole would look back there was nothing. Farther into the maze a dark shadow began to creep up on Cole's back.

   "Hey could we get uhh back up here? It's team 3, we think there's someone where we are," a squeakier voice than what Cole thought team 3 had sounded like, spoke out from the radio clipped to Cole's police vest. Team 2 responded quickly saying they'd be right over. Good, I won't have to deal with that, Cole thought (Of course he loved his teammates but when you have the option to take down a mastermind criminal, thats more preferable). There was a loud twang of something, someone, hitting one of the exposed pipes lining the walls. Cole swung his head over, his eyes taking in the red sight infront of him. It was hard to not squeal from joy. Eeek!!!

   "You finally got my message huh?" the red criminal said.

   "If you wanted to see me you could've just asked me out," Cole responded, shining his flashlight in Kai's direction. He held the light in his left hand and a truncheon in his right. There wouldn't be a need for it if the criminal just surrendered himself easily. Kai held a wooden stick in his own hand, like the one that masters would use to discipline their kids. His face grew red and Cole could see the scar clearer across Kai's eye.

   "It's more fun to do it this way," Kai taunted.

   "I'm assuming that means you won't allow me to take you down to the station?" Cole asked.
   "You think well pretty boy." Cole flushed at the comment. In a quick swoop Cole was pinned to the wall, the wooden staff seperating the two men. The flashlight clattered to tbe ground, leaving Cole's hads empty. He looked down admiring the threadwork on Kai's clothes.

   "You like the colour red, huh?"

   "It's my signature colour," Kai snapped back. "You're clearly a good detective, why don't you spend your talents on someone else?" Aw he complimented me, Cole thought. He didn't say that though, of course not.

   "And risk losing a promotion?" Cole could feel the warmth of Kai's breath on his neck.

   "I bet you'd risk a lot for me."
Cole glanced down at Kai's lips, they looked dry. Kai's heartbeat quickened. The hard grip on the wooden staff loosened. They made eye contact again. Kai's amber eyes bore into Cole's brown ones. This would be a terrible idea. Cole reached down his lips grazing Kai's before they pulled him closer. A voice was heard dowm the hall, and as soon as Kai had appeared he was gone, leaving Cole with the kiss lingering on his lips.

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Honorable song mentions for the creation of this chapter:
Maroon - Taylor Swift
Doubt - Twenty One Pilots
I can see you - Taylor Swift

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