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She's constantly running away; her feet are waving because they've bruised badly, but even then, they are not stopping at all, nor is she looking back, and she just wants to get out of this path in the darkness, which is not ending at all. Again and again, her hands are going to her face and wiping her tears, which is blurring her vision.

There is no life left in the legs at all, but still, with the remaining little courage, she is trying to run away, but in a short time, the remaining strength leaves her side. She falls hard on the ground and begins to breathe deeply with her open mouth. Holding herself by wrapping her hands around her naked body, she looks in front. Still, she does not see any way far away, due to which tears start flowing from her eyes again. She starts trying to get up with the help of her hands, and then two legs put their feet tightly on both of her hands.



She wakes up with a jolt, tears washing all over her face. She is just constantly touching herself and trying to make sure that she is not alone in the dark at the moment but is safe in a small room. This room is so small that, after laying a sheet on the ground, she cannot keep anything else there, but it is very cozy and comfortable for her.

Suddenly the door opens, and a woman with a very affectionate face comes and takes her in her arms, embracing her in a warm motherly hug, and she starts crying more.

"It's okay, Avi… it was a bad dream, and it is a dream only; you don't need to be afraid… You are all safe."

But she is so scared that she just hugs the woman and keeps crying. In a while, a man also comes in and sits next to both of them and just caresses Avi's head with love.

"Don't worry, sweety, it was just a bad dream... Just look around; you are saved here."

A very affectionate embrace and a loving fatherly touch both help her a lot in stopping her crying, and after a while she says making herself feel absolutely fine with her down eyes.

"Do you bring flowers for the garlands?"

"I brought a lot of flowers. You know that today is Monday, and there will be a huge crowd in the Mahadev ji (Lord Shiva) temple . Last time all the garlands were over, I hope this time also our garlands will sell the most.”

She lightly nods her head and walks away. They both keep watching her go; she has completely disappeared from their sight. As she leaves, Vishnu's eyes drop and is fixed on the floor with sadness on his face, while Padma, sitting nearby, presses her mouth against the end of her saree and cries.

"I do not know what the pain of this child is and what it is not, but now its pain has started to hurt me too."

“Yes, you are right; in a year and a half, this child has begun to look no less than my own daughter... I don't know why this girl doesn't smile or say anything… She makes garlands for us all day long, and by the grace of God, her handmade garland sells so well that earlier there was not even a single meal for us to eat, and today all three of us are eating very comfortably and are also living comfortably."

“You are telling the truth, but now it is very sad to see her. Since the day we found her, I have not seen her sleeping comfortably even for a whole night. Every time she sleeps for a few hours and wakes up scared in the same way, God only knows who is the cause of her misery, what untoward incident has happened to this child... We both don't even know what her name is except “AVI”..."

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