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“All aunties are very bad; I don't want to stay with anyone; please fire everyone."

Aashi is complaining to her father, who is smilingly listening to her on a video call. He is very happy to see his daughter, but the tiara worn on her forehead is attracting his attention.

“You are wearing this tiara; it is very beautiful. Where did you get it from?”

Sandhya, who is sitting nearby, has her eyes very wide because she knows that if, even by mistake, Aashi tells her father something that he will not like, then the situation can escalate to a wrong turn as she knows his temper. She starts looking at Aashi. Aashi seems to be looking at her father innocently, and she doesn't want to lie to him under any circumstances, so she immediately tells him.

"From the flower seller.”

“Oh wow, beautiful... Keep buying them."

Sandhya heaves a sigh of relief because, till now, she has not told him about Avi at all, because Parakram does not like any unnecessary person to come close to his daughter, even to the extent of becoming his daughter's nanny. Anyone has to go through a lot of tests for this, so here a girl selling flowers has suddenly started handling Aashi very easily; this is nothing but increasing suspicion for her in his view. Because she knows very well that he can go to any limit in his doubt. That's why she wants to keep the poor girl out of his sight. Because of this, she has given strict instructions to all the bodyguards that no one should tell Parakram about Avi.




*She starts moving forward smilingly with slow steps. She is sure that nothing can happen to her now; she just wants to quickly hide herself in her mother's embrace, which is the safest place for anyone. Wiping her tears with the back of her hand,she starts moving while increasing her speed. But suddenly she hears a loud bullet shot, and her eyes become stuck towards the front as if they were like stones. Suddenly everything turns into ash with an explosion, and a shadow turns towards her, and suddenly tears start flowing from her eyes to see him.*

She is breathing fast and as if she is trying her best to open her eyes, but she is not able to open her eyes at all. Padma, who was sleeping outside, suddenly realizes that Avi is in some kind of trouble because she can hear loud breathing outside. She immediately comes inside and sees that Avi is suffering a lot in sleep and is not able to open her eyes even if he wants to.


She sits beside her and takes her head in her lap to wake her from sleep, but she realizes that her entire body is burning like a fire.


Hearing her shouting, Vishnu also comes inside and sees that she is trying to wake her up, but Avi is not awake at all, which is the cause of worry. He immediately comes near her and checks her, and it is very surprising that she is having such a high fever. Seeing all this, Padma starts crying profusely, and Vishnu scolds her.

“Instead of sitting here and crying like crazy, hurry up and get cold water so that we can put cold bandages on her head.”

Hearing Vishnu's words, Padma immediately starts doing everything; both of them start placing bandages on Avi's head one by one.

After a long time, her fever starts to subside, and both of them feel that there is a smile on her lips. They both also started smiling after seeing her smile. They sign in relief.

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