Chapter five- The new Donna in town II

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Leonid's POV
"This is where I torture all my enemies and traitors" I continued "what? then why the hell did you bring me here?" Elora said,stopping at once "keep walking you don't want to get missing" I said "Leonid, answer my question" she said "Just follow me you'll know soon" I replied "Leonid Mikhail Putin' she said and continued to follow me. We arrived in the room and just as I had planned with João the three men were lined in a linear way and tied to their chairs. "Elora, these men betrayed the mafia and worked with our enemies, unfortunately for them they were caught and to prove your capability of being the donna, you'd have to kill these motherfuckers I told her "what, why? I don't think I want to do this" Elora replied "You have to do this to prove you're qualified to be the donna" "what if I don't want to?" "Then you'd have to divorce me? The look on her face showed that my words had affected her in the way I expected. "Okay I'm ready to do it" She said and João handed me the special toolkit and I in turn gave it to Elora. The special tool kit was the bag containing all of our special torturing weapons "What's this?" Elora asked. "Open it" I replied smirking. She opened it and let out a loud gasp. "Hahaha, this is the donna, the person supposed to kill us, I guess we'll live then or the Don has to do his own dirty work" Fuck! how dare that skunk, I made an attempt to and teach that fool a lesson but I stopped when Elora walked over to the douche bag wearing a metal and punched him in his disgusting face, blood splattered all across her face but she didn't even wince "say that again I didn't quite hear you, messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era, what did you think, that I was some tiny little scaredy cat? aww honey, I'm your worst nightmare". She said and pushed the almost dying man to the ground and stabbed him continually sixteen times. Damn this woman is a psycho. "Who's next" she said smiling of the two men, who looked like. they'd seen a ghost," You look like you can take a beating" she said and walked to the biggest of the two men. "So what made you think you could betray my husband and get away with it,hm?" the man looked terrified and gulped hard "Well I see you don't want to speak, which means your tongue is of no use to you" she said and picked up the sharpest knife and cut out the poor guy's tongue. "Eww... Your finger nails are nasty do you need me to trim them? Oh shit you can't talk, you know what, since I'm so kind I'll do it anyway" Elora the innocent girl I thought I was living with for the past two weeks took the pliers and ripped out each and every nail on the man's fingers.Even I felt pity for him, and believe me, I never felt pity for anyone "ughhh ughhhh ughhh" the man cried out in pain trying to say something "soon, sweety soon, I just need to do one last thing first" she said and gauged the man's out. Fuck Elora what the hell? "Now I'll fulfill your wish" she said and slit the man's throat. "And there was one. Tell me darling, how do you want to die?" She asked the man "oh I know" she answered herself "please, please" Elora let out a humorless laugh as she searched for something in the bag. Scissors, she brought out scissors "okay I'll spare you but only on one condition" she said "what? I'll do anything" the man said "hehe good, let me kill you first and then you can be free to do whatever" Damn! She walked over to him and cut off his ear, his nose, lips... At this point the man was a screaming mess. " Should I keep cutting you till you die out of pain or just shoot you and end your misery now?" She asked and without waiting for a reply shot the man three times between his eyes. " Who the hell was that and what the hell happened to your wife" João exclaimed "My name is Elora Delilah fucking Putin and no one messes with my mafia and goes Scot free" I was beyond proud of the woman "All hail the Donna, All hail the Donna" they all changed. She couldn't look any more prettier, at this point I'd just nickname her zuri. She was walking towards me with a childish smile and all that was within me wanted to hug the fuck out of her but I just watched her as she stood before me. "How'd I do?" What? Did she seriously just ask me that? Woman you absofuckingly amazing "pretty good for a first time" I said " who said that was my first time" she said and walked away. What the hell did she mean by that "Zuri, I called out" what did I just nevermind. She stopped "what did you call me, is that your chick's name?" She said looking at me intently "you are my wife and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want. And do you have a problem with me having a chick" I said with raised eyebrows. "The fuck I do, I'm your wife I don't fucking expect you to have anyone else. How would you feel if I had any other guy"  "I'd rip the asshole"s head of his body"  I said and she looked at me confused. "Then stay the fuck away from those other whores or else it's either I'll kill them or you won't be the only man fucking me or even fucking me at all" she said and left. Damn I don't know whether to be proud or scared of her, how does someone so innocently sweet just switch within minutes? I followed after her "Zuri, wait up" " my name is Elora and I know you know". " Of course I know your name is Elora but I chose to call you Zuri so shut the fuck up and stop being a bitchy wife with an unpleasant attitude" well.... That did the trick because she shut and actually listened to me. " I haven't been exactly fair to you these few days of our marriage, and I  just can't be rude to someone without even attempting to get to know them so I'm sorry"  "Fuck did i just hear Leonid Mikhail Putin apologize? That's a first"  " can't you just ever be quiet? Do you accept my apology or not?" " Well I can't say you don't look sincere so yeah I forgive you"  "Good okay now can I kiss you?"  " What..." Before she could finish her sentence I slammed my lips into hers and kissed her like it was my last. It was beginning to get intense when we were so rudely interrupted " mhmm Leo, you need to come now, bye Elora"  João said and pulled me away.

Elora's POV
I was left in the room feeling flustered and breathless, what the hell just happened. I couldn't tell if it was because I killed those men or he genuinely wanted us to be cool but whatever was going on, I loved it. I walked out of the room and it was weird seeing the guards bow down anytime they saw me saying long live the Donna. Damn I loved this new achievement, Donna Elora Delilah Putin, who would've thought. Things were finally going the way they went in my stories. It wouldn't be long until I have the don wrapped around my little finger. " Omg Elora you're here" I heard a tender voice call out to me. I turned only to see my mother-in-law "how are you my sweetheart, oh you're bloody. I guess I missed your coronation as Donna"  "coronation?" I asked smiling "yeah something like that, I'd find a better name for it later but until then...". "coronation it is" I completed her sentence. " Let's get you cleaned up Elora" "Darya, Darya" I heard her call what seemed to be a young lady, a very pretty young lady. "Get Elora cleaned up and bring her to the table". Table, what table? Anya was a pretty woman for her age, she was well-spoken and very lady- like. I hear she was greatly feared back in the day, even now still. Anya was the only one Leonid respected, he was literally the woman's pet and did everything she told him to do. " You must be the Don's wife" Darya said snapping me out of my thoughts." Yeah I am, Elora"  " Darya, the Don's first and only true love so don't even think you can come between us because I'll fucking kill you and feed your body to the mafia dogs" huh! Well excuse you. " If you're the Don's love then how come he's married to me then?" I laughed " Don't mock me, he's planning on leaving you for me as soon as he speaks to his mother" she added. Wow this girl is clearly even more delusional than I am " well good luck with that, until then I'm still the Donna so you have to respect and refer to me as such" I replied " How dare you talk to me like this, you'll pay for this. I'll tell the Don" she said  "you know what? You can tell the whole Russian empire about it and I couldn't care less just shut the hell up okay"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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