Part 1

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"This isn't a dream, is it?" I am hearing myself. Some time ago I was hesitant to come here and now, I don't wanna go back.

Some time ago

"It's not your cup of tea, leave it," Tizu, my friend and classmate told me after I failed too many times to put lipstick on.

"Okay, I am a virgin at this, show me how to do it properly," I said making a sad face. She squeezes my chin and puts lipstick on my lips.

"That'll help you look more mature," She said and I look myself in the mirror. "What the fuck, Tiz. I look like a slut. Don't you pick a subtle color? Who put Burgundy shade on their lips?" I shouted at her.

"Hey! Calm down you look completely fine. It's just your first time putting on makeup, that's it. No one cares what you do. We just want to enter the club and you're good. Do whatever you want to do," She said to help me calm down.

"What if we get caught?" I asked in a trembling voice and looked at her. She looks confident, I am sure it's not her first time to break into a club. Being a teenager I have too many restrictions. No boyfriend, No clubbing, No hippy friends, and the list goes on but life doesn't.

"Trust me, I've done it before, nobody cares, but if you keep scared like this, they'll find out and call your dad," She said. "Oh! no, that's worst. for my parents I only have my dad, my mom left him years ago and he told me every reason to stay away from boys and bad girls. And I am not happy to mention that he told me that boys will get you pregnant and leave you in a miserable situation."

"Okay, I am fine. I am ready to take a step ahead for being mature," I said sighing out all my stress.

"That's like my girl," She said and we took a cab to the city where that club was situated.

Honestly, I am not that type of girl, I always listen to my dad, obey teachers, and never put myself in this kind of mess. But it's our last year of high school so, I said why not, plus my dad is out of town for some days, so it's the perfect time to have some fun as my age people did.

We reached that place, OMG! Wow, I always imagine that but nothing compared to this. Woah! This is amazing, girls and boys are surrounded all in the streets. Some of them are couples and some of them are just having fun. Then there is this club which is crowded as someone giving free stuff there.

After too much struggle, we finally reached the entry gate where two big bouncers were standing in front of us.

"Where? Miss," One of them asked

"I would like to get in," Tiz said and showed him some money.

"Would you get out from here or I'll help you out," He said in a cold tone, and I was about to leave. When I realize Tiz is holding my hand tightly. "Tiz! Let's go, he wouldn't get us in," I said and turned into Tiz but there was one handsome as hell boy standing in front of me, who was looking at me with his dark brown cold eyes and he was older than me, maybe 24-25. I took a gaze at his face, perfectly sculpture, his jawline, his nose, his lips, Oh! his lips. I am not gonna lie but I like to taste them and wow that piercing on his lower lip just makes me suck them right here right now.

"They are with me," He said in a cold but strong manly tone, and I came back from my thoughts. Are you for real man? This isn't a dream, is it? I am hearing myself. Some time ago I was hesitant to come here and now, I don't wanna go back.

"Thanks," Tiz said and I bowed my head. And I realize that he is still holding my hand.

"Come, be my guest," He said and left my hand. We entered the club and it was full of youngsters and everyone was enjoying their life. Tiz was right no one cares here.

"Hello, I am Tiz, and you?" Tizu said. And I looked at him continuously.

"I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook, but you can call me JK," He said with a hint of a smile and I am definitely out of this world. Jungkook, this is the best name, I am hearing right now. "And what's your name?" He asked me, Tiz shook me and I came back.

"Yes, What?" I said in a confusing tone, I can't believe I am so stupid.

"She is Y/n," Tiz said and I am so ashamed of myself. That was the best and the worst day of my life.

"What would you like to have, Miss Y/n," He asked. I would like to have you. Shut up Y/n. "Anything that doesn't have alcohol in it," I said and he looked at me.

"Are you a minor?" He asked. "No we are not, she just doesn't like to drink alcohol," Tiz said and gave me a signal to keep quiet.

"Show me your ID," He asks even in a more cold tone. "I don't..." Tiz was about to say but he cut her off.

"I am not talking to you. You, short hair, puppy eyes, show me your ID," He said and I was stunned. What? Short hair and puppy eyes. Hey, Mr. I have a name. Well, I didn't dare to tell him that, I took my ID from my bag and gave it to him.

"Get out from here before I call my bouncers," He said.

"Mr. Jeon, I am not a minor can I stay," Tiz said and gave him her ID. I can't believe in my ears, Is she going to cheat me for clubbing?

"You. How could you take your friend here? Are you not aware that she is a minor and who took her responsibility now? I am sorry but get out of my club right now" He is now almost giving his coldest tone and scaring her. But for me, I like him even more.

"Tiz, you stay. Mr. Jeon, I am sorry. I insist she let me come with her, it's not her fault that I am here," I said, putting my head down and waiting for his reply.

"How naive? I hate your type of people who let others take your advantage," He said and we came out.

"I hate him," She said in a cold tone. "Hmm, yes hate him, bad man," I said and smiled. Not.

"Hey! Tiz, wanna join," Someone from the car shouted at us and Tiz waved back at him. Looks like he is her friend.

"Hey! Y/n, come he is my boyfriend," she said and was about to get in his car.

"You go. I am going home, don't feel like hanging out," I said. She insisted but at last, I went on my way to the bus stand. I stand there waiting for the bus and look at myself in the glass which is side by me. I wipe my lipstick and makeup away with the help of tissues.

"You look better like this," A cold manly voice hit my ears and I turned back.

This isn't a dream, is it?


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