Part 2

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"You look better like this," A cold manly voice hit my ears and I turned back. Jeon Jungkook.

"What are you doing, here?" I asked, he looked at me for a while.

"Lee, Y/n. Studying at XYZ High School, Father's name..., Lives in abc..." He kept looking at me and telling me that I already knew. I showed him my ID, and he memorized it. Wait, how can he know where I live?  I can't believe that I fell for a creepy guy. Did he stalk me before?

"How did you know that, where I live?" I asked, he stayed quiet for a while and sat on the bench taking a glaze of me. Put a cigarette from his pocket and light it. Took some puffs and gave me a rough smile.

"Y/n, I used to live in the same neighborhood," He said and suddenly a quick wave of past hits me. We used to live in the same neighborhood when I was 6-7 years old and he was like 13-14 at that time. We play together sometimes. I don't remember much but he suddenly left. And I only had some blurred memories of him. I swear if he didn't mention it, I'll never remember that we used to be neighbors.

"Oh! I couldn't recognize you," I said and smiled. He smiled back, and after some time his smile faded away.

"What were you doing with that girl?" he asked in a cold tone and threw his almost finished cigarette in the dustbin.

"She is my friend," I said.

"Is she? She is not the type of girl you should roam with...," He said and I could not believe it in my ears. He sounds like my father. Is he going to lecture me, Oh! god, please no. Not him.

"It was my first time to come to the club like this. I want to explore some stuff before 18," I said and I realized that I accidentally spoke between his words. He is giving me an "I'll kill you" look. I looked at him with, what he says my "Puppy Eyes".

"Y/n, come with me," He said and gave me his hand.

"Where?" I asked.

"You said, you want to explore. I'll make sure you have some good fun stuff, without getting hurt," He said and I don't know why I trusted him and took his hand. There might be a tiny little chance that he also likes me.

We went to the same club but this time I went upstairs into a cabin where you can see the whole club. I never expected this.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I looked at him he was already looking at me. "I like you"

"I Like it," I said. "Wanna dance?" He asked, I nod. Then we went to the dance floor. He has moves that make me crazy even more for him.

Then suddenly dance music changed into soft romantic music and he put his hand on my waist and I moved along with him. It felt like I was melting in his arms. His aura and his aroma give me another king of hype. Do you know those movies that show us extra adult content? I want that. I want that with him badly. Too badly. Yes, I am not 18 but I know all stuff. I am not a kid. And I am not a shy person at all. Give me a hand and I'll move you along with me.

"You go up, and I'll grab something to eat and drink, non-alcoholic," He said smiling. I went back upstairs and there were some more people there.

"You look stunning," One of them said and I ignored him. "Wanna come with us, I'll show you some of my private moves," He said. In your dreams lusty animal. I wish I said that, but I ignored him and went inside the cabin.

The wrong cabin. Oh NO! Before I could understand, that creepy son of a bitch follows me there.

"I don't know that you are also horny," He said with his creepy smile. "Sorry, I came into the wrong cabin," I said and was about to leave when he held my hand.

"It's okay, I'll forgive you," He said, I was struggling hard to get away from his grip but he held me too tightly. "Leave me," I shout and slap him hard.

"You slut..." Before he could finish that sentence someone hit him on the face hard.

"Don't you dare you son of a bitch," Jungkook shouts at him. "Throw him out," He shouts and some bouncer comes and throws him out.

"Are you okay?" He asks putting his both hands on my shoulder. Now I feel tiny. "I am fine. You came at the right time," I said and sighed.

"Come, let me drop you home," He said. "It's okay. I can go on my own," I said like it was no big deal. He gives me a cold glaze.

"I am not asking you, just follow me," He said grabbing my hand and rushing outside. I felt so cold yet so warm. I don't know what is this mixed feeling. Maybe, I like his company. He starts driving, barely speaking. He drives me to my neighborhood.

"Go Inside and If I see you again with that creepy girl or around the club, I'll call your dad," He said and I came out and banged his car door out loud, so he knew that I was mad at him. "Bye," I said in a cold tone banging my feet as I walked towards my house.

I was about to enter my house when he pulled me close and hugged me tightly.

"Are you angry?" He asked in a calm voice. "Hmmm, no," I said. "Will you leave me, please?" I said but I want to be like this forever.

"You are such a baby," He said ruffling my hair and smiling. Is he thinking that I am the same little six years old kid? Hey man I am a fully grown-up lady now.

"I am not a baby, don't call me a baby," I couldn't believe that I said that to him. Am I thinking loud?

"Okay, I'll not call you baby anymore. This is your food have it. And, hey! listen give me your number," He asked for my number. Is that for real? Yes, it is. "Okay," I'll give him my number.

"When is your 18th birthday," He asked. "Mid-Sept," I said, It's only one month to go.

"Let's celebrate my 25th and your 18th birthday together," He said. "Really," I asked.

"Yes. My princess," He said picking my cheeks. Wow, "Princess" he also likes me.

"Bye," I said and I don't know why I feel shy.

"Bye, see you," He said and went back to his car.


"Where were you? I was about to call you," she said and moved her hand over his half-opened shirt. "Did I know you?" He asked

"We met last night at your hotel room," She said. "Sorry, Maybe I was drunk, I don't remember anything," He said removing her hands and going out of the hotel lobby.

"Mr. Jeon Sir, what should I tell her if she asks about you again?" His manager whispers. "Say anything, that helps. Remember if we have to pay her, pay her. But don't let her come in my way again like this. I only take one shit at a time," Jungkook said in a cold tone. "Since I have eyes on my new prey, I don't have time for this shit," He said and went into his car. 


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