Chapter One

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 Driving down the road in the woods, Dean sees a house off the side. Dean pulls off the road and down the gravel path leading to the house. He turns on his turn signal alerting the 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle behind them. The bumpy path wakes a sleeping Sam and Lex. "Morning you two. Let's check the house." Dean parks the impala next to the door. He brushes his hand along the side of the car as the other two get out and head to the trunk. "I got to clean you, baby." He hits the side and walks next to Lex. He unlocks the trunk using the keys and opens it with Sam. Sam grabs the crowbar and gas cans that are in the trunk. Lex opens the false trunk bottom and uses a rifle to hold it up. Bobby and Jack get out of the car and walk over to the three siblings.

"What do you think?" Sam asks, he places the gas cans down and swings the crowbar over his shoulder. Lex grabs her drop leg waist bag and puts it on before grabbing a knife, an ax and her gun and attaches a silencer to it. She places the gun on her bag using the holster attached to it and the ax in the holster on her back, holding her knife in her hand she walks to the window looking in. Jack grabs his knife and gun and follows behind his girlfriend like a lost puppy. Both the brothers look at their sister, "She seems so depressed." Sam crosses his arms.

"Sam, she watched Kevin get torn apart in front of her. He was her best friend. I don't blame her." Bobby says to the middle Winchester. "I'm just glad that she's still letting that boy in." Bobby nods his head to the youngest two in the group. Jack looks in the nearby woods while Lex picks the lock of the building. Bobby grabs a knife and shotgun "Come on. Let's clear this place and try to find something useful."

Bobby and the boys walk up just as Lex gets the door open. Dean whistles and they hear a soft growl. Out of the room comes two zombies. Lex and Jack rush in and stab them in the head. Dean and Sam grab the bodies and put them outside behind the cars. Bobby is in the kitchen and grabs cans of food, Dean and Sam grab change of clothes for the coming winter months and Lex is picking the lock of a gun safe that was hidden under the bed in the living room. Jack is next to Lex holding a flashlight towards the safe. "Hey Lexi. You should teach me to do that." Lex cracks the safe revealing a shotgun, two hand guns and two boxes of bullets.

"I'll teach you when we are able to find a safe area, Jackie. Turn around." She puts the boxes of bullets and the hand guns in Jack's bag and hands Jack the shotgun. "Take this." He takes it. They walk over to Bobby and help search some more before Dean and Sam walk in with their bags, new jackets and clothes for all five of them and a couple of blankets. They hear a flap of wings. They see Castiel next to Dean.

"Hello." Cas says to the group.

Dean places his arm on Cas' shoulder, "You hear any news from, The Man Upstairs? Or anyone up there?"

Cas shakes his head. "No. It seems like he's not taking anyone's prayers or messages." Cas walks with the others out the door. "I'm going to be staying with you for a while. I'll be more useful down here than wandering aimlessly in Heaven."

Dean and Sam throw the bags of clothes into Bobby's trunk and they all return the guns to the trunk of the Impala. Lex pulls the guns out of Jack's backpack and shows Dean and Sam. Jack kisses Lex's head as they split into the two cars again. Jack keeps one of the guns from the safe and puts it to Bobby's car, in the glove compartment. Cas talks with her brothers some more before walking to Bobby's car and getting in the passenger seat as Jack climbs in the back. Dean radios to Bobby as they pull away. Bobby follows Dean as they pull back onto the road. 

Dean hits Sam's hand when he tries to grab a cassette that Dean didn't want played.

"What was that for?"

Dean points to himself, "Driver. I pick the music. You, shut your trap."

Sam rolls his eyes. "Jerk."

"Bitch." Dean replies and swerves the car lightly scaring Lex who Dean just smiles at.

"Douche." She holds up a middle finger to Dean before laying back down to sleep. "Wake me when we're somewhere."

"Night, sis." Sam smiles at her relaxed form.

A/N: First Chapter of the new and improved book! Chapters will be longer but I wanted to give y'all a shorter chapter to dive into it.  Like, comment, vote and follow! Next chapter comes out on the 14th.

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