13. Soon

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"Astrid..." Hiccup said. He took her hands in his. A tear escaped his eye and ran down his cheek.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to, but then appeared Drago, and the whole thing happened. And I wasn't brave enough. I'm sorry, Hiccup." Astrid began to cry. She knew he was kinda disappointed because of not telling him about his baby. But he stood up, walked to Astrid's chair and hugged her from behind.
"Honey, please don't cry. We're gonna get through this. Okay?" She nodded. Mara hugged her, too.
"What have I ever done to deserve you two?" Astrid laughed through her tears.

Astrid's POV:

Hiccup said that I should stay in bed this morning because he saw I was tired.

Soon, I fell asleep. When I woke up again, I saw a pair of cute green eyes looking at me. Mara lied next to me in bed.
"Mom?" She asked.
"Yes, sweetheart?" I put my hand on her cheek.
"When is the baby coming?"
"Soon. In about five months, I guess." I sat up. Mara sat up, too, putting her hand on my belly. I smiled.
"I hope I'll be a good big sister." She put her head on my chest.
"Of course you will, sweetie. You have a good and pure heart. Like your Dad." I  hugged her tighter.
"But you also have a good and pure heart. Otherwise, you wouldn't take me to the Dragon's Edge in the first place." I chuckled. Mara took a deep breath and went on.
"Why did you do it in the first place?" I was shocked. I really didn't expect this question. But still, I knew the answer.
"My dad died before I was even born. My mom died directly after my birth. So my uncle raised me. Well, until I was five. Because then he got killed by a dragon. Since then, my grandfather looked after me. He also died. One day after my fifteenth birthday. I always felt lonely. And then I found you in that ship. You were crying and screaming. You seemed to be afraid alone. But in that moment you saw me, you began to smile and laugh at me. I never wanted anyone to experience something like I did. I didn't want you to be alone. You were only five months old. You couldn't survive without someone's help. I would be so scared if I left you alone back there. So I decided to take you to Dragon's Edge." I finished with tears in my eyes. There were also tears in Mara's eyes. She hugged me and cried. Hiccup heard us probably because he came up, too.

~Timeskip five months~

I was now in the ninth month. The baby could come every time. We were so excited to meet the little one. The baby's kicking the shit out of me every morning at 4:00. At first, it was really cute and interesting, but now it's kinda annoying.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Hiccup asked me when he came into our bedroom.
"Good. Just little tired." He came closer to me, sat on the edge of our bed and put his hand on my head. I closed my eyes, showing him that I like how he's petting my head. I could hear him chuckle.
"No, nothing. I love you, honey. I love Mara and I love the baby." Hiccup said, kissing my face everywhere. I sat up.
"Honey, are you okay?" He was worried. I could see that. The answer was a hug. Of course, he hugged me back.
"I love you, too, honey. We love you, too." I smiled into his neck.

Suddenly, the baby kicked again, but very hard this time. And then came awful pain. I almost screamed. Soon, I noticed something wet in my bed. Now I knew what it was. My water broke.
"Hiccup! My water broke." He stood up.
"I'll get Gothi!" And he left the room. Soon after, Mara came in. I saw worry in her eyes.
"Mom! Dad said I should go to you while he's gone. What's going on?" I took a few breaths. It still hurt.
"Sweetie, my water broke." Mara looked confused.
"What does it mean?"
"It means that the baby is coming." Mara hugged me and cried.

Soon, Hiccup came with Gothi. I screamed sometimes in pain, but till the birth, it were many hours. Hiccup was the whole time with me. Only a few times, he walked out to see how Mara was doing.
After the hours of pain, it was time for me to push.

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