Ch. 59: Final Battle Part 3

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Straightshot POV (Beginning of the battle)

It is the day of our enemy's downfall. Too bad we were not able to find the person who destroyed the Omega Lock and kill them ourselves, as they were proclaimed dead by the governments of the world. We decided to stay behind the vehicon's line of defense, so we could take them down when they are weak. They won't stand a chance against us, none whatsoever.

"I'm so ready to end their existence once and for all. Without them in our way, we will be able to rule the universe without any intervention whatsoever," my love, my sparkmate exclaimed. I smirked beside her as we stared out. Soon enough, our enemies came, but they had an additional bot with them. I had no idea who they were from a distance, but they seemed familiar to me, but that would be impossible, as the only cybertonians that should know me would be those that surround whoever that bot is. "Is it just me, or is that new bot familiar to you, love?"

"No, I agree. They are familiar, but I don't know how, though," I told her, as I look at the new cybertronian in confusion. Most of all, I know that they were not with either side, as they were not with the decepticons originally, and Wavewarp's reaction proves that they were not with the Autobots either. So, they must have been newly arrived, which would be impossible, since neither of us detected it, or they were already here, hiding from both sides, but joined up with them to take us down, which was more plausible than the first option. Our army and their group were at a standstill, until they started attacking, the predacon and a flyer, I believed to be the first in command for the army side of things for the decepticons, were making a path to us with some of the opposing cybertronians coming directly to us. It wasn't of much worry to us, until I got a closer look at the new bot, recognizing her almost instantly. "Love, isn't that?"

"Firefrost? I thought she was dead, we made sure of it at the beginning of the war so she wouldn't ruin our plans, so how is she still alive?" she stated as Firefrost and two others, one from each side of the Autobot-Decepticon war, approach us. We got ready to fight, but I wasn't worried, she would be easy to take down, she has no fighting experience.

"I don't know, love, but she won't last long. Not against us, especially not you," I comforted her as I glared and growled at the so-called daughter of ours. She was never ours since the day she ran away from home, and since then, she was no longer our daughter, our way to success, but our sworn enemy. Soon enough, with a loud battle cry, she began to fight us. This fight will be her downfall, whether she knows it or not. We will be the last one standing and the first one to fall out of them all, will be her.

Wavewarp POV (Middle of the Battle)

This was a tougher fight than I ever thought. Firefrost should have fallen long ago, but she was still standing and fighting the two of us, still strong and still going on. It was evident she was distracting us as the others were taking down the army of vehicons that we had. None of this should be happening. It's like the plan with the Omega Lock all over again and that pesky human called Oriana Pax destroying the actual lock, something always stopping our plans from truly happening and going on to it's fully ability. Firefrost was also keeping up with the both of us, and I do know that many people struggle to keep up to even one of us, let alone to both of us.

"How are you doing this? Your weak, you shouldn't be able to do this at all!" I exclaimed as she growled at us. We would stand off, facing each other for a moment, before breaking out into a fight once again, as punches, kicks, and blocks all over the place between us. Firefrost have not said a thing to us, but it was clear she hated us, just as much as we did to her. She ruined out plans. We would have won by now, but she is not only stalling, but the others are taking down the army quite easily. I don't think we overestimated our abilities, but we definitely underestimated their abilities to fight and take down our forces. We were going to win, until Firefrost came into the picture. "How are you keeping up with us?"

"Maybe I am stronger than you thought I was originally. Clearly you underestimated my ability to live and fight," she growled as she got a solid punch into our stomachs. This is pissing me off more now. She was never strong growing up, never strong enough to truly fight us, and she was only lucky when she got us into jail. I still hate her for that, and she deserves to die because of it. She should die for just existing; she is not worthy of being in our presence, she is not worthy of living at all. Firefrost is a nuisance to the world and society.

"You should just die!" I yelled at her, giving her a strong punch to her stomach, but she managed to block it, though it got her to take a couple steps back as we got the advantage, as we were able to get her injured. However, once that happened, she got some help from the two that joined her on this side of the battlefield, as the managed to shoot us, giving us enough time to back off and give her time to get back up and start fighting us again. It should be impossible, but she was still fighting us, injured.

"This should be impossible! How are you still standing and fighting in the battle? Your leg is injured!" Staightshot exclaimed, looking at her surprised that she is standing and fighting. We kept fighting her, and this was going on for too long. This was impossible, only one person was able to fight them and win in physical battle. So the fact that she was keeping up with us, made me wonder, is there a connection to the two of them, Firefrost and the warrior in the arena all those years ago before the war started by the leaders of the two factions. If there is any connections between them, then we might not win, and our chances of losing has just skyrocketed.

Firefrost POV (after Shockwave tells her to rest)

This fight has been going on for too long, and I see no end to the battle. The two had me at my wits end and, on my toes, constantly, and any let up during it, I was injured, that is how I was injured. Ratchet was helping my leg as Magns, Soundwave, and Shockwave held my parents off while I recovered. I admit, it was nice to get a break, fighting the two of them for hours, but it wasn't going to end until they are dead, no matter the cost. I knew that this would end with either all of us or the universe would be under their control. But I knew that if I had any say of it, only they would die, only they would fall as we all get to live, but ideally, that won't happen.

"How much longer do you need to fix it up, Ratchet?" I asked my old friend, giving him a side glance as he glanced up to me.

"About five minutes, but you shouldn't go right back into battle, Firefrost, you would be at risk at losing your life, even as an angel. You are fighting too hard, and we need you to live," Ratchet stated as he continued to fix me up. In all honest, now that everything is coming full circle, I do not know if I'd live or not if I'd continue, but if I don't, no one will survive.

"Ratchet, you know damn well that I don't give a single shit about my life, you have known that since meeting me. If I succumb to death protecting everyone here, then so be it. At least for once in my entire life, I would have succeeded in doing so, and I can make up for all that I did wrong and lost due to me being unable to protect. I need to get back out there, not fighting is not an option for me," I told him. I knew everyone else heard me, as everyone gasped at what I said, but Ratchet just sighed, knowing why I said what I said.

"You were a child of no hope protecting your sun back then, the only thing that kept you going, so you didn't mind dying back then since you had no one. But now, you have people who care about you, and I know you care about, so just like when we met, I will not let you die without reason, so stop speaking as if you will die, you will not, not on my watch you little glitch," Ratchet growled as he worked slowly. I frowned but didn't say anything more. I felt Megatronus and Orion giving me worried looks, but I ignored them and focused on the battle going on in front of me. After Ratchet patched me up, I picked myself up and ran back into the fight, taking over for the three. I refuse to let them die, to get injured more than they already are from fighting. No matter what, this is my fight, the consequences of not finishing them off when I had the chance to eons ago, and I will not make the same mistake again, I will not allow anyone else suffer from my consequences ever again.

A/N: Two more chapters left. Hope you enjoyed it!

Peace out!

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