Chapter 4

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~Harry's POV~

It's been over two weeks and there is still no change in Daniella's health; she is still so fragile and broken. I haven't visited her in over a week, but it's not because I don't care, but because I can barely stand looking at her knowing it was completely my fault. If I hadn't cheated on her she would in my arms safe and sound, but I had to go and mess things up with her. I felt so much guilt and anger at myself every time I visited her or at this point even thought of her. Now a days I am usually locked in her room at her house, usually just sleeping or trying to at least. It seemed no matter what I did my guilt seemed to followed me everywhere. I would always have dreams no I couldn't call them dreams they were nightmares. These nightmares were nothing like normal nightmare these seemed to be made up of pure pain, sorrow, and betrayal leaving me in a pit of depression afterwards.

The sound of my phone ringing seemed to wake me up out of my half sleep state I was in. It seemed that was the closest I got to sleep these days, but I seemed to finally wake up enough to unlock my IPhone and answer the call.

"Hello." I said my voice slightly cracking at the end due to the lack of using my voice lately.

"Harry, why are you ignoring me have you already forgotten that I am your girlfriend!" I hear Nicole shout from the other end of the phone. I had no energy to yell back at her so I respond to her in a dull and broken tone instead.

"First of all when someone ignores you it means they don't want to talk you so you persisting that I talk to you isn't helping you. Second of all, you aren't my girlfriend. My girlfriend is sitting in the hospital dying, because of the mistakes that I MADE WITH YOU!" I shout at the end getting a sudden surge of energy. I can hear her heavy breathing she is probably trying to calm herself down to a reasonable level so she doesn't go utterly crazy, but Nicole always had mood swings and right now I felt one coming.

"Harry, please just listen I love you. I always have please just give me other chance to prove to you how much I love you." She said sweetly through the phone; I don't respond to her I just sit there and think. If I go see her will I once again end up betraying Dani or will this be the end of whatever I had with Nicole. After what seemed like forever I finally make up my mind,

"I am in California how do you except me to see you?" I ask trying to sway her into changing her mind about seeing me.

"I am in California silly, a course I thought about that before calling you." She said ending with a sweet innocent laugh. I sigh loudly finally accepting my decision; this was going to end whatever happens afterwards I would deal with after Daniella gets better.

"Where do you want to meet up?" I ask pushing myself out of Dani's bed that I had been sleeping in a lot lately since it still held her scent. Sleeping it in made me feel as if I was holding her in my arms still, sometimes it made the nightmares better, but sometimes her scent also made them worse.

"How about at your hotel?" Nicole asks stunning me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"I am not staying at a hotel, I am staying at Daniella and her friend's house." I said hoping she would just give up and let the whole meeting go possibly our entire relationship with it.

"Fine we'll meet up at my hotel room I'll text you the address in a little bit, bye Harry." She ends the call with a kiss and hangs up on me without giving me even a chance to agree. I groan and throw myself back into Dani's bed as the springs slightly squeak at the impact.

"Sometimes you can be so stupid Harry." Louis said from the doorway his eyes still bloodshot from all the crying he has been doing. It seemed that lately no one's eyes could go back to their normal shade they were always bloodshot from crying or cloudy with sadness.

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