Chapter 6

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Lost Love:

~Louis's POV~

Harry wanted to talk, probably about me and his disagreement on the fact he went and saw Nicole. I hadn't even realized that during my rant Dani had waken up. I felt so bad since here is poor Dani almost dying and that is the first thing she hears when she wakes up for a three week coma? Oh! Your boyfriend is out with his mistress, but hey make sure you give him a chance. Really smooth move I pulled off there, honestly I don't even know why I asked Daniella to give Harry a chance. Maybe it was the fact that is what I would want to happen if me and my girlfriend Abigail where in their situation. I don't know, or maybe it's the fact I don't want either Harry or Dani to miserable and unhappy.

"Hey Lou." Liam greeted me as I walked into the cafeteria of the hospital with Sheridan at his side. She just smiled at me before whispering into Liam's ear causing his smile to fall. "Louis you really need to learn to listen to the people around you during your rants." Liam scolded me as I sat down in front of them sighing loudly at how exhausted I was feeling. I look up and see Sheridan had her arms wrapped around Liam for support as his right arm was wrapped protectively around her waist. She looked exhausted as well probably because it was always us two who never left Dani's side unless been basically dragged out. Sheridan leaned her head up from Liam chest and kissed his jaw making him smile at her sweet gestures. Seeing the two of them together made me miss Abby a lot more than I did before leaving Dani's room. I hadn't talked to her in over two weeks, she understood that Dani was my first priority right now so she gave me my space. But not talking to her has really made me miss her.

"I'll be right back I have to call Abby." I announced quietly hoping not to interrupt the two's quiet eye flirting session. Liam just nodded signaling he heard me before I walked away towards a secluded hallway I had found a week ago. I pulled out my phone and quickly unlocked it; I was so nervous to hear Abby's voice. It's been a while since we talked and I really missed her sweet innocent voice. I went to my contacts and pressed her name which in my phone was: My Abby:) xx

I pressed the phone to my ear as the ringing starts, it was around 2 so I don't think she was busy plus it was a Monday. I listened and listened to the ringing until she picks up the phone.

"Hello?" She ask as her sweet tender voice answered the phone, making me smile.

"Hey Abs." I said smiling.

"Ummm...who's this?" She asked suddenly making my smile drop; had I really not talked to her for so long that she had forgot my voice.

"Have you forgotten about me so soon?" I ask her half joking and half serious.

"Umm... I don't know who this is." She answered honestly.

"Abs, it's me Louis? Your boyfriend?" I said hoping she would at least now start to recognize my voice.

"OH!! LOU! I didn't know it was you! Did you change your number again, cause you're calling me from a different number."

"Oh! Yeah! I forgot to text you telling you I had Paul change my number again because a fan called me a few days ago. It was pretty scary, I honestly believed that they where going to track my location down through my phone!!" I over exaggerate making Abby laugh at me and my paranoia.

"Lou, I swear you have issues." She said in between her giggles.

"I know and that's why you love me." I said proudly making her scoff on her end of the phone.

"Haha! You wish Lou, Haha! Oh by the way Nicole called me earlier, apparently her and Harry worked things out." She said with a slight amount of disgust in her voice. Abby knew that Harry was with Dani, but she pretend not to know a thing to get us information on Nicole. She was my little spy ninja, who told me all the things Harry had slowly stopped trusting me with.

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