Chapter No # 9

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Chapter No # 9

In Mumbai Outskirts
In Jaigarh's Group of Companies
In Management Department
In Penthouse
It has been more than 1 hour since that incident that Yuvraaj UdayVeer Singh who has rarely raise his hands on opposite gender but in a few days Devgarh Estate's both Princess had felt the roughness of Yuvraaj's hand on their Cheeks but both the times the feelings regarding towards the slap was different.

It has been more than 1 hour since that incident that Yuvraaj has raised his hand on His Love, His Life, the same person who holds the power in the entire Universe to bring Yuvraaj to his knees and bring Uday out of UdayVeer. She is the same person, who is closest to his Heart or should say She is his Soul. She is the same person to who is Delicate as a Flower and for whom He is scared from deep within to show his Love which wouldn't be soft towards her Delicate body. She is the same person to whom He wanted to safeguard and be Her Shield against those evil Vultures who are none other than Her Sister, Rajkumari JayNandini, His father Maharaaj Griraj, Akash or should say Rajkumar Aryaan Singh or Aryaan Rai Chaudhary and the World. And he raised his hand against his that Precious. But what could He has done at that time as it was so quick. Her Actions, Her insecurities and Her words wounded His Soul and He felt like someone brutally stabbed him and kept on stabbing him. It was so quick that he wasn't able to think what his action would do to her. And He was holding her Hand and his other hand was wiping the tears which were flowing from his Eyes.

After Manyata fainted, He was so shocked that for a few moments he couldn't react as he was too shocked by his action and next he found her fainted but then his Sanity punched him and he dialed Dr. Uncle's number. He didn't say anything except He needed him in his Penthouse. Everyone in the Family including Jaigarh and Devgarh except Manyata, everyone were aware were his Penthouse is. Only Manyata who was unaware. As before Manyata's Coronation, Manyata & Uday weren't this close to each other and neither they talked like adults to know about each other and Family knew everything about Uday which Uday wanted to know them except his Personal Life but Youngsters except Unnati has rough idea about his colorful Life.

Dr. Uncle who has last checked Manyata in Devgarh's Family and was about to come again to check Manyata again to know about Her Vitals which were already low. Since Manyata was born, whenever she was down with a fever or has became ill so everyone got worried and immediately she had to be on drip since She was born everyone knew about Her Future that soon after going to be an adult she is going to be marry in Jaigarh Family to Uday and whenever she was ill so it made everyone worried as they always wanted Manyata to bear strong & healthy Heir for Jaigarh and mind it, it should be BOY. When Manyata was born, so She was a Premature Baby who was born in 7 Months of Gestation and for a Month She was kept in the Incubator. Reason of Maharaani Komal's emergency C-section was that She found out Maharaaj Briraj's infidelity which caused her a shock that shock has caused her to go for emergency C-section since Briraj's infidelity caused Komal's BP to shoot and it was dangerous for Devgarh's heir. Manyata was a premature baby and before discharging her Pediatrics or Manyata's doctor told Rajmaata that being Manyata premature baby makes her very weak. So whenever before her Kidnapping Manyata was ill everyone was worried for Her as well as for future Heir of Jaigarh. And now for being kidnapped for 16 years, her health was worst which was found out when Manyata fainted due to low BP & shock when Akash was found in her Room and Uday kicked him out of Devgarh Mahal, at that time Dr. Uncle did certain tests and found out Her health wasn't good and her all Tests didn't come out normal like her from Complete Blood Count (CBC) blood test it was found out her Hemoglobin was very low, Platelets were low, White blood cells were low and so on. And after Her Coronation ceremony, everything has taken a toll on her health as now even her body couldn't take a shock and she fainted. Everything has taken a toll on her health.

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