A/N: You asked for more, so here it is!


James and Lily were furious, their face are full of red, breathing heavily, Lily pointed her finger at Albus Dumbledore, "YOU! How can you let it happen?!" She screamed at him.

"He was supposed to go with Sirius! Where is he anyway?" James said, sound disappointing. Again, everyone went quiet when James asked where Sirius was, "What is it this time?!" He waved his arms up in air in frustration.

"He... he died." Harry said, Lily gasped and covered her mouth, and tears started to fall down.

"What? How?" James asked.

"He was murdered by Bellatrix." Harry told him.

"Bellatrix Lestrange?!" Lily shouted.

Harry nodded, "He was killed by his cousin?!" James said in shock.

James and Lily never thought Sirius family would dare to kill him, let alone his cousin kill him. James's family welcomed Sirius to live with James after Sirus's family found out that he was sorted in Gryffindor when his whole family through history generations were sorted in Slytherin. And he was the only person who wasn't in Slytherin. His parents disowned him. Sirius didn't want to live longer with his family when they weren't treating him well, so he ran away, then lucky for him, James found him one night, and his parents literally welcomed Sirius into their home. Remus and Lily knew what Sirius went through. Even Marlene, too, who was his girlfriend back in Hogwarts.

"I can't believe she actually killed him." James said, still in shock.

"Poor Sirius... he went through lots." Lily said sadly.

"I know, Lils." James said hugged her.

"Did something happen?" Ron asked out of blue, Hermione nudged him in ribs, "Ow! Mione!" He winced in pain.

Lily sighed and looked at James, "He was... abused... his family disowned him, and my family welcomed him into my home." James said.

"Why did his family disown him?" Ron asked, Hermione nudged him again.

"His whole family sorted in Slytherin, and Sirius wasn't." James said.

"Blimey." Ron said, surprised.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Ginny whispered, Harry nodded slowly, "Are you sure? I know hearing the word 'abused' must be hard." She rubbed his back.

"Abused?!" James and Lily exclaimed.

"No... Harry... don't tell me that my family abused you?!" Lily asked.

Harry doesn't say anything, Lily knew this and sobbed in James's arms again.

"Lily... James... I just want you to know... that we have been taken care of Harry in summer time... he always comes to stay at ours for summer hoilday." Molly assured Lily, who sniffed and pulled Molly in a hug.

"Thank you so much." Lily said.

"Thank you." James said, shook Arthur's hand."We are grateful." He added.

"Anything for this family." Arthur said, smiled softy.

James and Lily then pulled Harry in a hug again, "I'm so sorry you had to deal with my disgraceful family." Lily said.

"It's okay." Harry said, "At least I did spend some time with Sirius and Remus before they've passed away." He added.

"I'm glad... wait, Remus is dead!?" James shouted, Lily gasped.

"Uh... yeah... recently..." Harry said awkwardly.

"How recently?" James asked.

Everyone went quiet, looked down, and James and Lily saw their expression and prayed one of them said something, "Yesterday..." Harry said.

After All This Time... ~ HP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now