4th May 1998


Harry yawned as he woke up, sighed happily that he's finally home, or was it really home? He wasn't sure if he would be living in McKinnon Manor forever with his parents. He stretched his back as he sat up and looked around for a bit. Noticed there's a pile of clothes on the chair next to the door for him to change into. He went over there and picked up clothes, a white button shirt, khaki chino pants, and he put them on before going downstairs to the kitchen.

Sirius first saw him, "Good morning, little Prongs!" He shouted happily.

Everyone looked up, Lily went over to Harry and hugged him before kissing on his head, "Good morning, Harry." She smiled.

"Morning mum." Harry said.

"How did you sleep, son?" James asked.

"The best for the first time in months." Harry told him, feeling happy after all the hunting, being the wanted along with his best friends for months, and he hardly slept at all.

Lily concerned, " Oh... why is that?" She asked.

"My best friends and I were on the run for 9 months and one day." Harry simply said before sitting down next to James, Lily came to sat next to Harry.

"Oh godric... that must be stressful." Lily said, shook her head in disbelief.

"It was... we got hurt in process." Harry looked down, not wanting to see their reactions, he heard Lily gasped.

"Can... can you..." Lily sighed, "Are you okay to tell us everything?" She asked.

Harry shrugged, James put his back on Harry's back, "It's okay, you don't have to tell us right now, but take your time and tell us when you are ready." James said.

Lily nodded, "I agree with your father. Take your time." She said.

Marlene came over with a tray with teapot and cups on it before setting it down on the table in front of them, "I see my brother's clothes fitted you." She said to Harry, smiled softly, "Your clothes are on the line." She added before sitting down next to Sirius.

"Thank you, Marlene." Harry said.

Marlene smiled, "Call me Marls or... Aunt Marls." She told him, Harry nodded.

An owl flew in and dropped a letter onto the table in front of Harry, "Whose owl is that?" James asked, frowned.

"I'd believe that belonged to the Weasleys owl." Sirius said.

James looked at him, with questioningly look.

"I lived with them for a while before... I passed away." Sirius told him.

Harry unopened the letter that addressed him. He read it.

"What is it, Harry?" Lily asked.

Harry looked up, "They asked to see us well... mostly me, there's another dead that came back alive." He said.

"Mostly you? Are you ready for this?" Lily asked, concerned.

"Gotta rip off band-aid, I guess." Harry shrugged before getting up, Lily got up and put both her hands on her son shoulders.

"Harry, it is okay not to go or be upset. It clearly says in your eyes that you've lost so many who meant a lot to you." Lily said.

After All This Time... ~ HP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now