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 Alex Porter. The girl has a secret, one that no one knows but herself. When her past starts clawing its way forward toward her, all her secrets must be revealed.

The boy who grew up a prisoner, Ethan Campbell. He lived his whole life imprisoned along with his mother and two younger siblings. When the chance of a lifetime comes to him will he take it? Even if he must sacrifice something to get it?

When the two meet what mysteries could they discover together? Will Ethan learn of Alex's strange past? Together could they overcome an enemy planning to kill anyone that stands in the way or their plan?


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this new story and that it will keep you on the edge of your seats while reading. I will dedicate each chapter to whomever I deep worthy and I may not dedicate at all. That's it. I will try to update within a week. As for my other story it is literally going no where but I may continue it at some point. I will not be posting pictures of the characters as it says who they are on the side. If you are on Iphone message me and I will give you the list.



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