Secrets and a Prisoner

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Chapter 1 

~Secrets and a Prisoner~


       ''Come on, kid. Get off to school!'' Julia shouted at me. She always shouted, even when she was standing right next to me, like right now. ''Julia, school doesn't start for another three hours!'' I said, my voice already had fear in it. ''How dare you talk back to me!'' she screamed, her lit cigar out of her mouth. Yes, the woman still smoked cigars. Julia rammed the, still burning, cigar into the soft skin on my wrist. A scream of pain escaped my lips and tears fell down my cheeks. ''Get out of my house.'' she said in a threatening tone. Quickly, I held my burned wrist to my body and my bag over my shoulder and ran out the door, my course set for Cass' house.

       Cass was my beast friend, she knew everything about me. She knew about the constant abuse at home with Julia, and she knew the little things such as the music I liked, my favorite color, etc. Neither of us went to school anymore. We were only sixteen but our grades had been good enough to let us skip to elementary years. I barely graduated with Cass last year. I met Cass when Julia first adopted me, when I was six. I had been a foster kid because only a few  months after I was born my parents were murdered.

       There was one thing Cass didn't know about me though. I was a lycan. Lycan were like werewolves in a way besides a few major differences. Werewolves only shifted on the night of the full moon and had absolutely no control over their actions. Werewolves did have amazing inhuman strength even in the human form. Lycans did not have any great strength in the human form. Lycans could shift whenever it was needed and, with a lot of concentration, could control their actions. However on the night of the full moon it is almost impossible for a lycan to have control over their own actions. It is possible, but it was very hard, a skill I had not quite mastered yet.

       I knew all of this because one day Cass and her older brother, Brad who she lives with, took me to the carnival. A fortune teller lady called me into her tent and told me everything. I learned later that the fortune teller was an elemental and could smell the difference in my blood. I didn't know what an elemental was but she said in time I would learn.  She had said some words that I have been puzzled over ever since she said them, ''A great war is coming and I'm afraid you are the piece that could mean the difference between life and death for all the humans on earth.

       I snapped out of my thoughts when I reached the door of Cass and Brad's familiar home. Using my none injured hand, knocked on the door. I was five in the morning and I knew they would still be sleeping but I needed somewhere to go. A few minutes later the door opened. Brad was standing in the doorway, and had obviously just woken up. He saw my red eyes and the wrist carefully cradled against my body. ''What happened?'' he asked worriedly, ''Are you okay?'' I nodded and said, ''I just need to clean my wrist.'' Brad just shook his head at me. I was confused for a moment before he lifted me up gently, as to not put pain on any of the wounds from other days, and carried me upstairs to their bathroom.

       I sat down on the toilet as Brad was examining my burned wrist. ''God damn the bitch. Why would she adopt you if this is what she was going to do to you?'' he said, apparent anger in his voice. I just shrugged my shoulders. When her pressed the alcohol wipe onto the burn I squealed in pain. Once he had my wrist all bandaged up he asked if I would like the bottle cuts on my back cleaned again and I said yes. Yesterday Julia came home drunk and broke her bottle of beer after dropping it. She became angered that she broke the bottle and hit with repeatedly with the sharp edges.

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