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"Mommy, can I please go out? I want to play with the butterflies I saw earlier," little Allie asked.

"No, Allie. You will get yourself dirty," her mother reprimanded.

"But I promise I won't get dirty or do anything bad. I will only watch the butterflies fly from far. Please, please, please!!" she pleaded with her with puppy dog eyes.

Her mother sighed in defeat. "Ok, you can go; but if you get dirt on yourself or on your dress, no chocolates or ice-cream for a month," she said sternly.

"Ok," Allie hugged her leg, "Thank you, mommy." And with that, Allie ran out to the church garden.

It was the middle of March and the weather was just perfect. Birds chirped happily while the cool breeze blew with a tinge of earthiness to it, the beautiful spring meadows blooming with flowers and colorful butterflies.

Slowly, she walked towards the middle of the garden where she had remembered seeing a large fountain that was surrounded by pretty bushes with many butterflies fluttering around it. But now, only one butterfly with pink, yellow and red dots was present. Without ruining her dress, carefully and patiently she tried catching it but the butterfly flew off all of a sudden.

"Hey wait!!" Allie shouted and ran after it. It flew over the meadow slopes, making her run in circles all around the garden.

Being the great runner she was, she tripped on her long dress and fell face first on the ground scratching her hands while she smothered herself in mud and leaves.

"Oh no, mommy is going to be so angry," she looked down at the dress that was covered in dirt, just like her.

Suddenly, a pair of shoes came in her vision. She looked up to see a boy smiling down at her, holding his hand out for her to grab onto. She took his hand, got up and dusted herself and her dress, even though she knew it would leave a stain. Feeling eyes on her, she looked up to find the boy staring at her.

"Why are you looking at me?" Allie asked. The boy started laughing like she had joked, making her frown. Seeing the frown on her face, he stopped laughing and held out his hand.

"Hi, I am Hunter," he said.

"Allison," she said shaking his hand.

"What are you doing outside?" he asked.

"I was trying to catch some butterflies, but I fell down in the mud. Oh, no. Mommy is gonna take my ice cream," she pouted.

The boy stared at the top of her hair and pulled a leaf stuck in the strands of her hair.

"Thanks," she blushed.

"Where are your Mom and Dad?" he asked.

"They're inside. My Mom is the 'Mad of Onur'," she grinned proudly.

"What's that?" he asked.

"I don't know. But mom said she has to help Aunt May because she is the 'Mad of Onur'," she grinned, "What about you? Where are your Mommy and Daddy?"

"My mom and dad are getting married. Their names are May and John."

"Aunt May is your Mommy?" she gasped, "I love Aunt May. I really want a best friend like her."

"My mom is very cool," Hunter grinned.

"But I have never seen you with her," she asked confused.

"I used to live with my grandparents, but now, I am coming here with mom. I like it here," he exclaimed happily.

"So then you will go to my school?" she asked.

"Yes," he grinned.

"Great, now I will have a friend," she smiled happily.

"You don't have any friend?" he frowned.

"Yeah, no one talks to me in school," she sighed sadly.

"No problem, I will be your friend. In fact, your best friend forever," he grinned.

"Really?" her eyes widened.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Then, swear it," she held out her little finger.

"Okay," he said joining their little fingers, "I, Hunter Carlson, swear to you, Allison... uh what's your last name?" he asked sheepishly.

"Dashwood," she giggled.

"Okay," he cleared his throat, "I, Hunter Carlson, swear to you, Allison Dashwood, that I will be your best friend forever, never leave you, always help you and protect you," he grinned widely, making her smile.

"And I, Allison Dashwood accept your promise," she giggled out.

It was an innocent promise and though made by the young, it is a promise for a lifetime that is bound to be fulfilled... at some time. 

Hey guys,

I have revised and edited some of the chapters.

Hope you all like it.

P.S. what's your opinion on republishing Pinky swear?!

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