Chapter - 1 - Damn you, alarm

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Allie's POV

Beep beep be- CRASH!!

"Allison Margaret Dashwood, you better not have broken another one of your alarm clocks?" my mom's voice bellowed from downstairs.

I woke up with a groan and looked at my alarm clock, only to find it now lying on the ground next to my side table with its back broken open. I groaned again because this time I have to buy my own alarm with my allowance as it's the nth one that I broke

Well, I can't help that I am a heavy sleeper.

I threw the covers off and walked into the bathroom to do my feminine business. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard loud music playing outside my closed windows. I sighed with a groan as walked into my closet knowing well who the music belongs to.

The one and the only, Hunter James Carlson - my ex-best friend, long time crush and the most wanted guy in East Bay High.

Yeah, you heard it right, ex-best friend. He was my first best friend when we started kindergarten.

But then life happened and when middle school started, he came back as this all-new person who acted as if I never existed in his life. And for the cherry on the icing, he turned out to be the most popular guy in middle school and now in high school.

And about my crush, yes I did like the boy since kindergarten and maybe even now. But as we grew up, he turned out to be the biggest player and very much different from the boy I fell for.

So here I am trying to suppress my feelings for him. Although it's quite hard, considering he practically lives right next door and comes to your house almost every weekend or any special occasions, not to mention he is super cute and too hot with the most swoon-worthy smile.

But it's high time I leave my feelings for him and move on from my puppy love.

As for me, I have found myself two awesome best friends, Bailey and Isabella. We've been together since middle school. Bailey is quite romantic and girly while Izzy is the tom-boyish kind, but I love them anyway.

I shake my head to snap out of my thoughts and get dressed, leaving my hair down. With one last glance at myself in the mirror, I picked up my bag and went down the stairs, cleaning my glasses with my sweater.


As I came down the stairs, the smell of my mom's delicious pancakes hit my nose.

Mmm...just the thing I need to start my day.

"Morning Dad," I greeted, kissing his cheek.

"Morning Mom, need any help?" I asked her.

"Yes, by eating your breakfast," she replied with her back to me.

"That wouldn't be a problem," I sat down and added loudly "and since Harry doesn't want his share, I get more."

"No!" we heard my little brother yell along with some stomping of feet, a crash and a moan of pain from the hallway. "You will not have my breakfast. Again!" he cried, entering the kitchen while dusting himself from his fall.

"Fine, fine, I won't, since I am a really good and loving sister".

"Please, when it comes to food, you are nowhere near loving," he snorted and dug into his pancakes, making me scowl. My dad chuckled, making me glare at him.

"ENOUGH!!" my mom shouted, "Allie, stop eating your brother's breakfast for fun. And you mister, keep the syrup down and stop stuffing the food inside your mouth. We are not running out of food," she glared at us.

Harry gave her a cheeky smile but continued his assault on the sauce bottle, making her sigh.

"Okay, now you know that your dad and I will be gone this weekend on our anniversary vacation, right? So now, I want you both to behave and try to not destroy my house."

"Mom, we're not kids. Well, Harry is, but I am a responsible girl and I can take care of both of us. Plus, Drake will be back this weekend," I shrugged.

"Well, about that," my dad interrupted, "your brother won't be here till the Winter break. Turns out, this season is very important because the scouts are coming and since your brother is the captain, he can't get off for the Thanksgiving break. But he promised he would be here for the Winter break or before that. So for now, it's just the two of you."

"Well actually, it's only Allie," Harry grinned sheepishly. "Mom, can I stay this weekend at Ryan's house, please?" he asked her, with his 'convincing mom' look.

Mom raised her eyebrows but sighed, "Okay, you can. And I'll call you every two hours, to know about your whereabouts."

"Okay," he shrugged, "Thanks mom" he grinned.

"Looks like it's just me for this weekend, huh?" I said.

"Oh my god!! You're gonna be alone for the whole weekend," mom gasped in shock."What are we gonna do, Blake? What if something happens? What if she gets mugged? What if someone breaks into the house and kidnaps her? What if-"

"Mom, you're hyperventilating," I cut her rant while Dad chuckled.

"Sorry dear, I –"


"Okay, Izzy is here. I better get going before she goes Godzilla on me," I get up, taking my back. "And mom, we still have four days to decide something before you guys leave. And I am not a kid; I can take care of myself." I kissed her cheek and dashed out of the house.

I saw Izzy's car in my driveway and head to the passenger door. Opening the passenger door, I see her texting someone.

"Who're you texting?" I asked her as I got in.

"Baie said she'll meet us at the parking lot," she said, locking her phone. "Oh and, you have a chocolate beard," she smirked.

"Oh!" I blushed and looked in the rearview mirror to clean it.

"So, you ready for senior year?" she asked, pulling out of my driveway.

"Uh-huh. I heard people say that senior year brings a lot of changes in one's life; why even my brother said that. Let's see if my senior year changes to mine."

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