Chapter - 2 - First day of Senior year

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Allie's POV:

As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw Bailey waiting for us, leaning on her car.

Yes, my friends have their own cars. And as for me, my parents did buy me one for my last birthday but it's still locked in our garage. Because for one, I don't know how to drive and I am too lazy and also scared to learn it, considering how my brother got into number of accidents and two, why drive your own car when you're getting a free ride.

"Hey besties, so how was your vacation?" Bailey shouted, engulfing us in a bone crushing hug.

"Baie, not able to breath," Izzy chocked.

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly, letting us go.

Taking a breath, I glanced at my watch to see we had only a few minutes left for the bell. "It's almost time for bell, better we go in and talk about our adventures during lunch?" I suggested.

"God Al, stop being such a 'goodie-two-shoes'," Izzy groaned.

"Yea," Baie chimed in, "It's our first day back, so-"

"So which is why we should go get our schedule, find our homeroom and most importantly, avoid detention," I finished for her.

"You my friend need to live a little," Izzy sighed, patting my shoulder. I gave her a flat look and started walking inside.

"Okay fine, Miss Idontwannabelate, let's go," Izzy sighed while Bailey groaned, following me behind.

Collecting our schedules, we found that our homerooms were different, mine all the way on the other side of the school.

"Oh Al, we part our ways here," Baie cried hugging me. Oh boy, here comes the drama queen.

"Stop exaggerating Baie. We're gonna meet for lunch and have the same period after that," Izzy pointed out.

"But I'm gonna miss her," Baie pouted like a little girl, making us sigh.

If you haven't noticed, my dear friend Bailey Macabee is quite dramatic, something which gets on our nerves but at the same time makes us love her more.

"Jeez Baie, enough of the dramatic show," Izzy groaned in frustration, "Okay Al, We'll see you at lunch," Izzy bid me farewell and pulled a fake wailing Baie with her.

Oh, how much I love these two.

I reached my locker and started arranging my books in order, so that I can find them when needed.

A few minutes into my work, I heard gasps and swoony sighs coming from the female crowd around me, making me frown and look at their object of 'affection', only to roll my eyes when I saw what it was – Hunter and his twin buddies, Mike Carter and Trent Carter, along with the rest of football posey, laughing and joking around in the hallway. Mike and Trent are also players, just like Hunter but a little better than him, well Trent is.


I closed my locker with a sigh and headed to my homeroom.

Entering my homeroom, I found Trevor scribbling down something in his book.

"TREVOR!" I banged my books on the table, making him squeal in shock. Glaring at me, he closed his book, mumbling something about 'people and heart attacks' making me laugh.

"So, how was your vacation?" We said at the same time and chuckled.

"Okay ladies first. How was your vacation?" Trev smiled.

"The usual," I shrugged. "Reading books, Netflix, etc... What about you?"

"Went to Grandma's and had the worst time of my life," he sighed, pushing his glasses up.

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