Dean- Christmas *A/F*

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"What the hell's all this?" Sam marveled taken aback in the doorway of Dean's man cave he created in the Bunker.

The whole room looked as if a Christmas elf had thrown up all over. A live tree trimmed in lights and random items from beer coasters, shotgun shells, candy canes, hex bags, etc. A small pile of poorly wrapped presents beneath its branches.

The big screen TV held the image and sounds of a roaring and crackling fire. The coffee table was full to the brim of sweets & treats. From pie to cookies, and candies. A large pizza box, a bag full of greasy burgers & fries. Sam could even see a mug full of hot chocolate complete with teeny little marshmallows.

"Nothin'," Dean spun around caught red-handed.

"We don't do Christmas," Sam raised an eye, mentally enjoying the way Dean was sweating.

"What?! Nothing! Go away!" Dean crossed his arms glaring, but the embarrassment was etched on his face.

"Did you do all this for..."

"Shut up!" Dean scowled pointing a finger at a smirking Sam.

Dean was supposed to be the strong one, devoid of emotion. He acted as if those emotions and chick flick moments annoyed him, but Sam had caught him indulging in said emotions. Turning his back on his brother sifting through a stack of DVDs, Sam could see his shoulders slump.

"It's the first Christmas she's acknowledged since... her family, ya know." Dean couldn't finish his thought.

She was the anomaly amongst hunters, at least the ones the Winchesters had met. She had a loving family, a functioning emotionally stable family. They cared for each other and looked out for one another. They weren't anything like the boys had known aside from Bobby and Jody.

"She was humming Christmas carols the other day and I just thought..." Finally looking at Sam. "She does so much for everyone and never complains ya know. The least I can do to show her I appreciate it is stomaching some sappy Christmas movies."

"You really love her don't you?"

"Not the greatest at that stuff but yeah, I do." Shifting uncomfortably at even having the conversation with Sam. "Don't always say it outloud but she knows."

"Have even said it outloud to her?" Sam teased.

"Interrupting something?" Her voice made both men jump.

She sauntered into the room with a soft smile, eyes darting from one decoration to the next. Dean froze nervously thinking it was too much until he saw the crinkles around her eyes in a genuine smile. Her fingertips grazed over the ornaments on the tree. The blissed-out grin as she closed her eyes inhaling a deep breath of fresh pine needles and a table full of sugary goodness. Sam gave Dean a thumbs up before quietly leaving, closing the door behind him.

She hadn't grinned like she was in a long time. The last two Christmases she acted as if the holiday didn't exist. Ignored it altogether knowing it would never be the same with the loss of her family. She couldn't even take out her anger over their loss on some supernatural creature because they'd been taken by the hands of man.

They'd been in the right place at the wrong time. Tensions had been rising in the city her family had been hunting in. People were angered over events happening in the world and decided that violence was the only way to get their point across. Riots had sprung up all around her family and they'd been caught in the middle of it. Overwhelmed and outnumbered, their lives were snuffed out by violent protesters without a second thought. Further proof that humans could be worse than the supernatural.

For the briefest of moments, Dean thought she might start to cry, but the furrow in her forehead said otherwise. The tight scrunch of her eyebrows and a not-so-subtle scowl.

"This is all wrong." Sifting through the DVDs frowning. "I can't believe you."

"Damnit," Dean puffed a sigh rubbing his face dejected. "I knew it was too soon."

"What?! No." She leaned into his side wrapping her arms around him. "All this is amazing but it's not Christmas without Die Hard and Rambo."

"Okay, Die Hard I get," Chuckling kissing her temple relieved pulling her towards the couch and snuggling close. "But Rambo?"

"Oh yeah," flashing the kind of smile he knew only appeared whenever a cherished memory was involved. "There are Christmas decorations in the sheriff's office when they're talking to Rambo so Dad declared that it was a Christmas movie. Mom argued but she was outvoted by logic and my brothers."

"Just another reason I liked the guy." Dean hugged her close listening to the sound of the fire on the TV.

"He liked you too," she spoke quietly leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Was never great with parents," running his fingers soothingly up and down her arm. "But he was cool."

They watched Rambo in silence polishing off the burger & fries and most of the pizza. Throughout Die Hard they ate the sweets repeating the best lines along with McClane. They didn't have to talk a lot, didn't have to have heavy emotional conversations out loud to understand each other.

Dean loved that about her, that she understood that sometimes, well most of the time he wasn't the greatest at verbalizing his feelings. She knew he didn't have the best example of how a man should be in John, though he tried his damnedest to make Bobby proud. Dean didn't tell her that he loved her a lot, partially because he was afraid that everything he ever loved had been taken from him, but he always made sure she felt loved.

Splayed out on the couch, she lay atop him. Working his fingers through her hair knowing this was the most relaxed she'd been in months. It was moments like this that made him wish they could have a normal life.

Some little place away from the crowds and people, maybe a cabin like Bobby's. Just something for the two of them. He knew it was impossible but he always had that dream for them. The most normal thing he could muster for her in their messed up supernatural-fueled life was a night with movies and junk food. A few hours to forget all the bullshit that existed in the world.

Dean chewed the inside of his mouth. She was the best thing that ever happened to him and yet somehow he still felt unworthy of her as if he had nothing to offer her. Part of him knew it was stupid.

"Sweetheart," kissing the top of her head, smiling at her sleepy 'hmm' response that purred against his chest. "I lo..."

"I know," nuzzling her cheek against his chest. "S'okay, I know you do."

His deep chuckle softly bounced her head on his chest.

"More than pie?" She laughed questioning him.

"Oh, I most definitely love you more than pie."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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