Stargazing with Gadreel *Fluff*

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Your P.O.V.

The night was cool with a slight breeze, not a cloud in sight up in the inky black sky. I sat up on the cement top of the Bunker door staring up at the stars. A thermos of hot cocoa next to me with a hot cup in my hands.  I closed my eyes breathing in the night air, it was utterly relaxing. The Bunker was far enough away from any extra light source so the stars twinkled brightly in the evening sky.  

I had used the telescope in the library but it didn't have the same comforting feeling I'd get from the sensation of the crisp night air touching my skin, the chirps of the insects in the tall grass, rustling of the leaves in the trees, it was peaceful and calming, even knowing of the things that went bump in the night, the stars lit my way.  

This was my time, the way I recharged at least that's what I told myself.  Quiet alone time that I craved and needed more than I'd admit, but every time I needed it, this is where I'd be.  It took a few interruptions by Cas and the Boys before they realized that being alone under the stars was something I needed like a fish needs water.  

I popped my earbuds in, set my cup down and laid back on the blanket, my head resting on my arms, staring up as I searched the constellations. The truth of it was, I was alone and I hated every moment of it.  Not lonely because I didn't have the Boys or Angels bombarding me, lonely because no one had ever shown interest in me, other than Bathazaar but he only wanted one thing from me and nothing more.

His P.O.V

I'd come to the Winchester's Bunker to meet the human woman that had my brothers and sisters so enthralled and changed.  After a few get-togethers with her, some of them had changed for the better, they seemed to adjust to not being in Heaven better after seeing her.  She made them feel at ease, I'd hoped to find the same with her.  It'd been different for me being expelled from Heaven's prison, I'd spent centuries locked up and tortured for a crime I didn't commit, so the thought of being in that Bunker made me feel uneasy, I was hesitant to go in.

When I arrived at the front door, I noticed some movement above and went to investigate, walking slowly and softly I found her with a smile on her face as she gazed upwards.  I'd never seen anything so beautiful and serene, her eyes twinkled as they bounced from star to star, her voice humming along to a song playing in her ears.  

After a few seconds, she grew quiet letting out a sigh, and began thinking about how lonely she was, how she wished she could share this with someone, anyone, she just wanted to be loved. I was about to leave her be when she started to sing out loud, it was soft but I could hear the music flowing through her headphones.  It was the first music I'd heard in centuries and it was beautiful, I felt something unfamiliar shudder through my body and I couldn't stop smiling.

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