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Joe talks to the Hermits.

Morning came seemingly too fast, but most of the forest was shrouded in shadows from the thick tree canopy. Joe shuffles out of his make-shift bed and drops to the ground. Most Hermits were still asleep, laying in a disorganized fashion. The four sensitive to light sit under a nearby tree, staring into the distance. Grian is also awake, bouncing from tree to tree, communicating with nearby birds. Or at least he tries to.

Joe walks over to them and starts to go through his bag. To Pearl, he gives a thick blindfold and wraps it around her head. She touches it and looks around and smiles. Pearl takes Joe's hand and gives it a squeeze. A silent 'thank you'.

To Cub, he gives a very large wool-and-steel hat. It shades his entire body, letting his sculk features liven up a little. He seems a little more awake at this and gives Joe a small smile.

To Mumbo and Cleo, he also gives them large sun hats. It wouldn't help much if they reached out much, but they wouldn't burn under the things. Mumbo pulls his hat closer, and Cleo tilts it back so they could sleep more.

Joe sits down on the other side of the tree from the four and looks through his bag. All that was left was a few day's worth of extra food and a little water along with bottles of medication for each Hermit. Whether anyone needs it or not would be decided a little later on.

Grian comes down from the trees and sits down in front of Joe, tilting his head. "What are you doing?"

Joe opens his bag for him to look in. Grian hops forward and pokes at things before bouncing back.

"Very interesting! Do you need me to help with anything?"

Joe nods and tries to think of a way to communicate. He does a flying motion then pauses. He points to the tree then stretches his arms out wide. After a moment of thought, he does a weaving motion with one hand then stops.

"You want me to fly..." Grian pauses until Joe nods. "And find a big tree?" Another nod. "But also some winding thing?" Joe frowns and his shoulders droop.

He looks through his bag and pulls out a bottle of water, shaking it around.

"Water winding thing? River? You want me to look for a big tree and a river?"

Joe nods a lot. He holds one hand in place and circles the water bottle around it.

"The tree is surrounded by the river?"

Joe nods.

"That should be easy to find. I think." Grian looks up to the sky and readies himself for flight. "I won't go too far. I don't want to get lost...or caught." Joe nods once more and watches as Grian takes off and weaves through the tall pines.

A small amount of time later, most Hermits were up and stretching. Doc takes the four by the tree and brings them to the others, where they start to converse quietly. Joe has one guess on what they are discussing.

While he waits, he takes off the soldier armor and buries it in a nearby foxhole. In a few minutes, Grian flutters around Joe. He holds out his arm and the bird lands on it, "I saw them! A big flowering willow that was extremely out of place and the river! Following the one we crossed should get us there in a few days. Depending on how fast people walk and for how long."

Joe nods quickly and gives Grian a thumbs-up. Having the river is good, water for drinking and washing up. Tango could help purify it when needed. Rivers also meant animals, which they could kill. Maybe. They would at least be able to find edible plants thanks to many of the Hermits' abilities.

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