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"Yo, Lex, let's go" screamed my friend Kris as she left the house. It was already 9pm and we still had a 30min drive to the party. I quickly threw on my rings, bracket, and my necklaces.

I ran out of the bathroom excited but yet nervous. There were going to be so many content creators at this part to night, all with about 10 million subs!

I was only coming because Kris didn't want to go alone and was bringing me with. I finished my outfit with my favorite black cargo boots and quickly said goodbye to my puppy, Luna.

When I got to the car Kris was playing on her phone in the drivers seat. I hopped on the passenger side and connected to the Bluetooth. I started playing my favorite song, "Skin," by Colby Brock.

"About time! You know who sings this song right?" Kris said while starting up the car and leaving the parking spot.

"Oh shut up, and yeah it's by Colby Brock" I said with confusion in my voice wondering what she had ment.

"Yeah, you know he is a YouTuber right?" She said looking back and forth from the road and me.

"What are you getting at..." I said trailing off.

"He is going to be at the party tonight" Kris said with a smile forming on her face

"Wait WHAT!" I said my heart sinking all the way to my toes. I wanted to die.

"Yeah, him and Sam, we are actually good friends. We collaborate all the time you should know that." She said with her smile getting even bigger with my reaction.

"Yeah I know your friends, but you said that you didn't have any friends at this party! I would have dressed better if I knew" trying not to laugh at the last part but they were my biggest inspiration to make a YouTube channel.

"Oh my gosh you'll be fine." Kris said while laughing and turned up the music so we could jam out.

All my nerves and my excitement started to double. I was going to meet Sam and Colby. This was insane! Maybe we even could be friends since Kris was their friends. We got there and I didn't even know what to do, my stomach was still in my toes.

"Come onnnn" Kris said pulling me out of the car and basically dragging me into the door.

"Oh my gosh I'm coming." I said with a smile and laughing.

She threw the door open like the FBI. I don't think I had a stomach anymore, it was gone. Everyone was looking at us, Kris had everyone's attention from flying open the door.

There was already 30 content creators there and I couldn't be more scared. They all had well over the amount of subs I had. My eyes jumped around the room looking for content creators I knew.

"Hey kris!" I heard scattered around the room from basically everyone.

"Hey guys! This is my friend Lexi she does paranormal investigations." Kris said pointing at me, I didn't really know what to do.

"Hi!" I said with a lot more confidence than I thought I had. I guess I would be fine if I continued with that confidence.

"Hey!" "Hi!" Scattered around the room with some waves. Kris continued to pull me around jumping from friends to friends. I knew all of them.

My confidence kept rising since I felt like I had already knew these people. I started to get a lot more comfortable with people and made some friends. Celina, some triplets, and a few others.

We all sat in a group and talked, like I knew them forever. Well I kinda did since I've watched them forever.

We all ended up having a few drinks. Our group went over to go dance and mess around in the main room. The room was huge and now that all the creators where there it was full.

I lost kris early on and our group started to shrink. Since every one in the room had one or more shots, things were kinda crazy. Kris ended up making her way back to me with some other friends.

"Hey Lexi, I have a few more people for you to meet," Kris said while she dragged 3 people behind her, "they are all people who I think you already know."

Of corse kris said that second part with a little wink.

"Okay." I said grabbing her arm and dragging her and the 3 friends to another room with 1 or 2 people in it.

"This is Katrina, aka kat, this is Sam Golbach, Kats boyfriend, and..." she trailed off when she realized there was only two people. The third was still walking over. "Okay well this is slow poke, aka Colby Brock."

"Hi! I'm Lexi you guys can call me Lex." I said with a smile on my face and a wave. Then it finally hit me who I was talking to.

"Hi! It is wonderful to meet you, Lexi!" Kat said with and exited look. She then looked at Colby who was staring at me like he had never look at another person before. "Don't mind slowpoke over there, he is a little drunk if you can't tell."

"Hey don't call me out like that!" He said with a laugh in his voice and he started to shift between me and kris.

"It's okay, I think most of us are now." I said smiling and knowing well that my drinks already had worn off.

"Yall wanna play some beer pong, I beat we can beat you guys." Sam said pointing at him and Colby first then kris and me. Me and Kris started to laugh and they just looked at us confused.

"You beat us, slowpoke over there is so drunk he can barley stand here!" Kris said with her laugh peaking through.

"Bet" Colby said way to confidently.

We walked over to the table and me and kris set it up. The boys teamed up on one side and me and kris on the other. Kat went back with her friends to dance.

"You guys are going down!" Me and kris said in perfect sync, mind blowing Sam and Colby.

"W-what how'd you guys do that?!" Colby asked with a smile and confusion in his voice.

"Great minds think alike." I said and that was all that needed to be said. Colby just gave me and kris a shoulder shrug.

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