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*Colby's POV*

I stared at the photo, my eyes not able to move. My eyes started to water as my heart broke into millions of pieces.

The picture was only from 2 weeks ago, when we were still in LA. She looked so happy with him. I wiped my eyes before getting up and walking to the door.

"Where are you going?!" Sam asked hoping up from his bed.

I didn't answer, and quickly put on my shoes.

"Yo, Colby! What's up?!" Sam said walking over to me.

"I need a minute," I said weakly with my back turned towards him as I walked out. I quickly get out of the hotel. As I threw open the door tears filled my eyes.

"Colby, talk to me. What's wrong," I heard Sam say from behind me.

He fucking followed me.

"Sam, I need a minute," I said again.

"I understand but you can't just stomp of," he said, he had a point.

I was so wrapped up in my anger I started being rude to someone who wasn't even apart of it.

"I'm sorry Sam," I said wiping my eyes.

"Here, sit. When your ready talk to me," Sam said pointing to the curb.

I sat down and set my hands over my face. I eventually felt Sam sit next to me. My mind raced through the photos I saw and how Kris knew who I was talking about.

"I think I fucked up," I said my face still in my hands.

"Why is that?" Sam asked. He always has had a dad type of comfort.

"During our investigation I saw a message on Lexi phone. It was from Theo Rafferty. It said, 'are you done with your fuck boy yet.' Lexi didn't even acknowledge, it she just turned her phone face down. Once Lexi fell asleep I looked him up on insta. He seemed normal until I scrolled down a little...there was a bunch of photos of Lexi and him together," I explained feeling a type of relief to talk about it.

"I'm guessing you haven't talk to Lexi about it?" Sam asked, "shit, hang on. Lexi?"

Lexi called Sam. My heart sank my one I could feel my face getting red. I was so fucking pissed at her for not talking to me about it. She obviously knew he was messaging her.

"He's with me," Sam said smiling a little, "bye, Lexi. Well she is awake now."

"I'm still fucking pissed of Sam. Idk if I'm in the wrong here or if she is. I don't know what I'm gonna do." I said throwing one of the rocks into the grass in-front of us.

"Well first you don't know how long ago those were posted, it-," Sam started.

"They were from 2 weeks ago, a week after we started dating..." I said cutting him off.

"Okay, well you don't know if he is a fan and photoshopped. You don't know if they broke up and he's still obsessed with her, Etc." Sam said causing me to look up at him with a stupid look.

"Not helping," I said burying my face back in my hands.

"Sorry..." he said trailing off, "you should talk to Lexi about it."

"That's what Kris said," I mumbled.

"Wait you talked to Kris about it?!" He said shocked.

"Yeah, just cause she is Lexi's closest friend. Figured she could calm me down but she made I worse saying she couldn't tell me who this dude was," I lifted up my head and let I rest on the wall behind me.

"Damn, well the only way you're gonna figure this situation out is if you talk to Lexi," Sam said looking at me with a dad look.

"Ughh, fine," I said giving in.

We both got up and I saw that Lexi had tried to call me too. I called her back as Sam just stared at me in confusion. The phone just rang, with each ring my heart broke a little more.

"What are you doing? You need to talk to her in person," Sam said giving me a look like I was stupid.

"Lexi called me earlier so I called her back but she didn't answer. I don't think she wants to talk to me right know Sam," I said starting to freak out.

"Dude, it's fine. Your fine. Come on," Sam said grabbing my sweater sleeve and pulling me.

We walked up to the room in silence. I was mad, and nervous. I don't want to talk to her right now and she doesn't want to talk to me but Sam is going to make me.

I followed Sam into the hotel room. I instantly stoped when I walked in.

Her shoes were gone.

"Lexi!" Sam yelled when he walked in noticing that she wasn't on the bed.

I could feel my heart beating fast and faster each second.

"Sam," I said weakly. He didn't hear me, "SAM!"

"What?!" He asked quickly.

"She isn't here. Her shoes are gone..." I answered.

"But her phone is on the floor by my bed," Sam paused, "she wouldn't have left without her phone right?"

"Damn it Lexi!" I yelled, slamming my fist onto the wall.

"Chill, she could just be in the lobby," Sam said walking over to me.

"Or she could be across the country, or dead," I quickly said, my heart beating faster than ever.

"Let's stay here for a little I'm sure see will come back," Sam said slowly approaching me.

"Okay," I said softly before slowly walking into the room.

I paced and paced for what felt like forever. Sam tried to get me to sit, but I couldn't. Lexi could be anywhere. It's all my fault if I would have just left the Theo situation alone I would know where she is.

"Fuck," I whispered under my breath.

"Colby, calm down. I'm sure she is fine," Sam said.

"Sam, she could be anywhere! She probably went out looking for us. She could be with someone else. She could be killed!" I yelled, still pacing.

"You love her don't you?" Sam asked causing me to freeze.

"Of course I do," I sighed, "more than anything."

My head whipped to the door when I heard the door nob turn.

"Lexi?!" I whispered, praying it was her.

The door fully and there she was. My heart felt like it leaped to her. I ran to her and hugged her.

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