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*colbys Pov*

I didn't respond... my mind was racing and I hated the fact that Sam was recording this.

Sure it would be a cool video but I really don't think this is the time.

I looked over at lexi who was grinning and looking at the mirror. I only could take a flimsy every now and then. Just seeing her like this made me want to go by her and help her. 

A few minutes went by of me holding my face in my hands and wiping my small tears before I looked again.

This time her face was normal again and it felt like my heart lifted a bit.

"Lexi?" Sam said noticing her face change as well.

Lexi wiped at her face like she was wiping tears, her eyes were closed and she lifted her head up.

"Lexi?!" I said in excitement lifting my self halfway up from my siting position.

But there was silence. I slowly began to loosen my arms till I was sitting again. I then just watched her, waiting and hoping for her to open her eyes.

My mind still racing but every now and then there would be a, "come on Lexi," or "Lexi I still need you" and it made my heart smile. But my mind would continue to race and my heart would keep sinking.

"Come on Lexi, we still need you," Sam said slightly louder than a whisper.

Lexi formed a slight smile, my heart sank, except this time it was a friendly smile. A small and friendly smile like when I first met her.

"Lexi, come on," I said standing up and slowly walking towards her, "I need you still," I whispered.


*lexi's Pov*

The darkness was being lit up by Astrid's glow.

"Okay, this is where you need to be," she said turning around to look at me.

"But...this is just more darkness," I said looking around.

"Not for long," she said before her glow covered her and then explained, lighting up the darkness.

Before my eyes could completely focus I felt a warm soft hug.

"Lexi, I thought I lost you!" I heard a slightly muffled voice say.

"So looks out of it still give her a minute," another muffled voice said except this one was higher.

The warm hug then slowly left and I tried adjusted my eyes with the new lighting but they only got a little better.

As my vision very slowly came back, I could make out the person in front of me better and better. Until I knew who it was and my heart lit up.

"Colby?" I asked squinting, my vision still blurred.

"Lexi, yes!" Colby said grabbing my hand. I took my other hand and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I heard Colby ask his voice no longer muffled.

"Uhh, I don't know, my eyes are fucked up," I said not meaning to swear, "my head also hurts."

"Colby do you remember the haunting of the hill house video? And Celina had kat clap in her face? Maybe that could help," I heard what I figured Sam was ask Colby.

Colby began to clap in may face, I could hear it but I couldn't see it till a little later.

"Is it helping?" Colby asked

"Keep clapping," i replied focusing as my vision started quickly getting clearer, "its 100% helping."

"Okay," he said as he continued to clap is hands in my face.

"Okay good," I said slowly as my vision came back. He stopped calling and just looked at me.

"What happened?" Sam asked stepping over into my vision with a camera.

"Im not to sure, give me a few more seconds," I replied taking my hand away from Colby's to resting my face in my hands.

Colby just placed his hand on the side of my leg to remind me that he was still there.

I had my hands on my forehead as I looked at my lap and let my mind race through what just happened. I couldn't put my hands on my face fully because it made me feel like I was there again.

I looked up at colby again and rest my chin on my hands. He placed his hand on my face and rubbed my cheek, whipping away tears.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked with fear in his eyes but love overpowering it.

"I think, my head feels really heavy though," I replied picking up my head a little and placing it back in my hands.

"Yeah, whatever happened like took control of your head and face so that makes sense," Sam said.

"Really?" I asked turning my head towards him slowly, really slowly.

"Yeah...but once you're good we can't talk about it," he said looking at me trailing off when seeing how slow I was moving.

I slowly turned my head back I game Colby a small smile,

"Can we move? I don't want to be by this mirror right now," I asked felling almost like myself again.

"Sure angle," Colby said before standing up slowly, then pulling me up even slower.

"Do you think you can walk?" Sam said walking over to help.

"I think so but I'm going to need help," I replied while Colby set my arm around his shoulders wrapping his hand around mine and wrapping his other arm around my waist.

Sam also put my arm around his shoulders and wrapped his arm around my waist lightly. He grabbed my upper wrist instead.

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