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*Colby's pov*

"Over here!" I heard the employee shout over our heads.

"What happened?" A female EMT asked as she felt lexi's pulse.

"She started to stumble and then she just fell down," I said before Sam pulled me back a little so they had room.

"She has a very weak pulse, isn't responsive, and has a low blood pressure," the EMT said to her partner while taking off the blood pressure cuff.

"Do you think it's, Vasovagal syncope?" Her partner questioned.

"What?" I quickly asked.

"It's a quite common condition in which causes fainting, lightheadedness, dizziness, low blood pressure, fatigue, or sweating," A EMT who's last name was "Katz"

"She will be fine we just need to take her to the hospital quick," her partner said after reading my concerned look on my face.

"Okay," I said standing up once he said she would be okay.

"Do one of you want to ride in the back?" Katz said pointing quickly to the ambulance before helping with Lexi.

"I will," I quickly answered before looking back and Sam who just nodded.

"I'll meet you at the hospital," Sam said when I looked at him.

"Okay, let's get her out of here then," Katz partner "Lopez" said.

"See you guys soon," Sam said before walking off to his car.

We walked over to the Ambulance and quickly got in. I've never been in an ambulance before, at least not we're I was just riding along. As the EMT's were talking about medical things I didn't care to understand, I ended up staring at Lexi and praying she would be okay.

"Oh hello," the EMT, Kats, said as Lexi opened her eyes and looked around, "can you tell me todays date?"

There was no response.

"I'm, Kats, can you tell me if you can here me?" Kats asked looking at Lexi but moving her eyes to Lopez, but there was still nothing.

"Still unresponsive," Lopez said before shinning a small light in Lexis eyes like he had done before, "eyes are still dilating"

Lexi then closed her eyes again and her head dropped to the side.

"Is-is she okay?" I asked definitely struggling to get the words out.

"Yeah, she just fainted again," Lopez answered while setting down the light.

"Her heart beat is stable," Kats added after checking a monitor showing her heart rate and blood pressure, "her blood pressure is also stable."

"What's wrong with her though?" I asked shifting my eyes from Lexi, to Lopez, the. Kats.

"We can't 100% diagnose her but she most likely has what we mentioned before, Vasovagal syncope," Kats answered before we arrived at the hospital.

As Lopez and Kats help get the stretcher out of the ambulance and told the doctors a bunch of medical things, my mind raced through possibilities of what could be happening.

I felt Kats pat my leg, "alright you can head down to the waiting room," she said with care.

"Okay, thank you both," I said finally leaving my zoned out state.

"Just doing our jobs," Lopez joked

"No problem," Kats quickly added.

I hoped out of the ambulance and headed to the waiting room, my mind still racing.

"Excuse me sir, where are you going?" A kind nurse asked me. I looked around before noticing I was just wandering around.

"Oh uh sorry I was headed to the waiting room before I got caught up in my thoughts and ended up here," I said rubbing my neck.

"No worries, I'll show you the way," she said with a kind smile.

"Okay, thank you," I added

I walked over to her and walked by her side. We walked in silence for a few seconds before I tried to start a conversation.

"So, how has your day been?" I said after realizing how cringe I sounded.

"Crazy, not that every day isn't but I feel today has been crazier than normal," she said pausing before continuing, "I'm Jane."

"I'm Colby," I said smiling at her energy, it reminded me of Katrina's, "if you don't mind me asking why is today crazier?"

"Just a lot of confusing cases, from strange breathing, weird blood pressure, random fainting, and things that seem unexplainable." Jane answered, throwing her hands around like Lexi does when she talks.

"Yeah I understand, today has been crazy for me as well," I said with a small laugh, "that's why I'm here."

"Yeah I understand," Jane said as we turned a corner leading us to the waiting room, "well here we are."

"Thanks, nice meeting you," I said after Jane turned towards me.

"Nice meeting you too, maybe all see you again?" Jane asked

"Maybe, but I'm not from here I'm just visiting," I quickly answered

"Oh, well I have to get back to work," Jane said before walking away.

"U-uh see ya?" I said under my breath before I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Colby?" Sam said behind me.

"Sam?" I asked quickly turning around, Sam then pulled me in for a hug.

"Bro, I've been so worried," Sam said pulling away from the hug, "any news on Lexi?"

"Not really, all they said is that they thought she had a thing called, V- Vasovagal syncope, I think," I said struggling to pronounce it

"Okay, no clue what that is, but I do know that we are allowed to go visit her." Sam said very quickly

"Already? She like just got here," I said shocked that we could already go see her.

"No, she's been here for over an hour. Speaking of, where have you been?" Sam asked after checking his watch.

"what?! I guess I was wandering the halls for a while then," I said while scratching my head.

"Lost in thoughts?" Sam softly asked knowing I was very overwhelmed and worried.

"Yeah, where is Lexi?" I asked looking around the waiting room.

"Room 132 or something like that, let's go double check quick," Sam said before turning around and walking towards the front desk, I eventually followed.

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