32 - Dinner and show

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Baxter's goals for their date were vast and varied. Sex was a foregone conclusion, but he wanted to prove to Ivy she deserved him. Ironically, wining and dining her in Manhattan had worked against him by highlighting their different backgrounds. Ivy looked uneasy, but she deserved to be treated like a princess. As he told her about his family, she listened and offered insight. He was learning she was more pragmatic than him. So much in his life had been given to him. If only she wouldn't be pragmatic about love.

The minute she mentioned her mother knowing his father, he felt dread. Could Ellen be Ellie? What would it mean for them? The world felt smaller as he tried to imagine a young Philip with a young Ivy. He and his father were raised differently because Amelia had set the expectations for her four children.

After they sat at a table beside a window, he looked out at the skyline. "It's amazing."

She giggled. "More than amazing. Thank you. I'll remember this day forever."

He chuckled. "We're just getting started." He ordered a bottle of wine. Ivy sat back and watched the sommelier. "Impressed?"

She dismissed his words with a wave of her hand and a giggle. "I dated Jimmy Sinclair."

"But did you take his jet on a date?"

"No, but he talked about a twenty-four-hour trip to Las Vegas."

Baxter made a fist. "He likes those."

She put her hand on the wrist of his hand which gripped the wineglass stem. "I wouldn't have gone with him. Although I always expected you to show up on our dates."

"I could see him dragging us both to Vegas. He saw what I didn't?"

"What?" She looked up at him. Her beautiful eyes were a pool of emotion.

He took her hand in his. "This is very romantic."

She giggled. "Jimmy didn't say that."

The server interrupted his response. "Can I order for us?" Neither had opened their menus. He ordered two entrees. After the server left. He said, "I want the chocolate fondue."

"You and your sweet tooth. What did Jimmy know?"

He lifted her hand to his lips. "Ivy, I love you. I know it sounds insane. I've known you for six months and every day you are my first and last thought."

Her head moved back and forth. "You can't. I'm not."

"I can, but I need to know it's you. Even when we didn't see each other after Aspen, I thought of you constantly."

"You dated her."

He smiled at her distain. "To try to forget you. It failed. Do you love me?"

She looked down at their joined hands as she nodded. "I don't want to. It already hurts."

"I promise you I will make sure we stay together."

"But Ned."

"You think I'll lose my position if I marry you?"

"It could happen. You said a short leash."

"That's business. An up-and-coming lawyer is nothing compared to the men Doyle has dated."

"I like her."

He smiled. "I know you do. You fit in my nutty family."

"Not your parents."

"My father gave up his first love, except I think he still sees her."

"No, I won't do that."

"I would never ask you."

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