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Meera mengeliat di atas katil. Dia memandang ke sisi nya. Catherine tiada. Mindanya secara tiba - tiba mengingatkan kembali memori malam semalam sebelum mereka tidur.

"Isshh! Apa ni..... eee malunya!!!"

Dia menutup muka nya dengan selimut tebal yang empuk berwarna putih. Dia baring sambil menyentuh bibir dan badannya yang di sentuh Catherine semalam. Ah!

Catherine keluar dari tandas dengan berpakaian seluar hitam pendek dan jersey sleeveless berwarna putih. Dia baring di sebelah Meera sambil bermain rambut Meera.
"Love, are you awake?"

Meera hanya mengangguk dalam selimut.

"Kenapa tak buka?"
"Tak nak."
"Why, my love?"
"Malu lah."

Dia buka selimut semula sambil memandang Catherine

"Suka - suka pula."
"Ye, memang i suka. I suka you."

Dia menutup mukanya yang kemerahan.

"Love, what do you want to do today? I'm off today."
Kepalanya jatuh ke bahu Catherine.

"Ririn, i don't know what to say, but thank you for accepting me as your girlfriend, even you know.... i always treat you like a bad person."

"Heheh, that's me. Because i love you, that brings meaning I'll accept your mad, your flaws, your clingy, your swing mood and all about yourself that what's I Love You means toward to me."

"Manisnya mulut. You dah makan? You nak makan apa? I boleh masakkan."
"No need, today you have to rest. We'll spend our day today as a couple."

Mereka terdiam beberapa saat. Catherine masih memeluk Meera.

"Ha! By the way, Ririn....."
"Yes, my love?"
"How do you get the tattoo?"
"Me? You see that?"
"The tattoo is like I've seen somewhere, but i can not remember."
"This, right?"

Pemetik api di sisi meja katil itu ditunjukkan ke Meera.

"Yeah! This! Wait, macam mana awak ada benda ni?
"Wait.... do you go to high school at Bukit Jalil, too?"
"Yes, my love."

"Ha!! So you're the bully, right? And you get scar at your back because there's one senior beat you with the knife."
"Yeah, but this scar is not from him."
"Maksudnya, you lah yang selamatkan i masa i nak balik rumah tu kan?"

"Yes, yes, my love."
"Ingat tak? After that, kita balik sama - sama? You hantar saya depan rumah."
"Yeah! I remember that. You offered me to get the drink first, and i refused."
"Ha! Ingat pun! Thank you for saving me at that time, i never know you will be my girlfriend one day.",
"I know you will, and I'll make you mine."

"Sebab tu you tahu semua pasal i kan?"
"Yes, because i still searching about you after i got transferred."
"Where'd you go?"
"Wow..... you must have a crush on a white girl, right?"
"Nah! Never, my feelings are still the same for you."
"Yelah tu."
"Yelah! Kalau tak i shouldn't be here."
"Hahahahahahahahahahah, I'm sorry."


"Ririn, i nak pakai baju lah. Takkan i berdiri tak pakai baju?"
"You can wear mine."

Catherine menanggalkan jersey nya dan di pakai ke Meera. Meera melihat badan Catherine ketika membuka baju. Hanya sportbra sahaja tinggal di badan.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You have a such hot body, you know."
"I know, you keep staring at me."
"Heheh, i nak mandi tau."
"Wait for me. We'll take a bath together."
"Malu lah."
"Ririn, i like this jersey lah. Where did you buy it?"
"You want? Keep it. I'll buy the new one."
"No, i want to buy it for us."
"Okay, okay."

Strangers To Lovers [WLW] ✅️Where stories live. Discover now