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"Miss Meera, we're arrived."
"Thank you, but you don't have to."
"This is my job."
"Thanks, but no."

Meera smiled awkwardly to Qian Qian.

"Level 30, miss."
"Okay. I can go by myself."

Belum sempat kata - katanya di sambung. Meera selamba masuk ke pintu kaca automatik tanpa pusing ke belakang.

"How can she go to ma'am's office."
"Why? Just go and press the button lift,
"No dumbass! She must have a access card."

Mereka saling gelisah dan hanya mampu berharap agar tiada yang menganggu Meera atau menghalau dia.

"Uhmm, hi. May i know how can i get to see Catherine May?"
"Who are you? Are you have made a reservation?"
"Ahh... nope. Must i?"
"Yeah, she doesn't like to disturb."
"So that means i can't see her?"
"Yeah, please leave. I don't want make her mad."
"But, I'm her guest."
"I don't care, just leave please before i call the security."
"But, please can you make a call that Meera is here?"
"Sorry, but she's in meeting right now. Please leave."
"If I'm waiting at here?"
"This is not hotel miss."

The workers call the security guard. The big body of a man hold her hands and take her out. She got scratch at her hands.


Qian Qian running to get her.

"Let me take you to clinic, first."
"Let me go. I'll go by myself."

Dia bangun sambil memegang siku nya yang terluka. Dia ke bahu jalan sambil melambai tangannya mencari kereta untuk ditumpang. Dia masuk dan menuju ke klinik.

"How now?"
"What do you mean? We have to follow her before she tell ma'am."

Dia marah ke pemandu kereta Catherine. They followed Meera in front of clinic. Hampir 30 minit menunggu, mata mereka juga semakin berat.

Rupanya, Meera sudah perasan mereka di luar. Meera mengambil peluang melarikan diri. Dia pergi ke rumah lamanya sambil merehatkan diri.

"Oi! Wake up! We lost her!"
"Oh shit! It's 7.30 pm. Ma'am heading back to mansion."

"Ah, I'm done. Can't wait to see her. Kenapa dia tak datang office tadi? I'm waiting for her. Tak apalah! Mungkin dia tak tahu kot."

Itulah firasat Catherine tapi sebaliknya.....

"Lexy, I'm done. You should go home to. I'm worried about your health."
"I'm fine, Catherine. I still have a work to settle."
"Really? Don't go back to late."
"Yeah, i know. Now, go now! Your girl is waiting for you."
"Yeah! Right! Bye!"

Catherine masih gembira apabila Lexy mengingatkan dia tentang Meera. Dia keluar dari pintu masuk utama ofis dan menuju ke kereta yang dipandu oleh pemandu lelaki itu. Qian Qian membuka pintu untuk Catherine.

"Qian Qian."
"Is Meera okay at the mansion? Do you think that i should bought her new house a small one for her? Or should i decorate the mansion with her style?"
"Ahh... yeah... yeah..."
"Why you sounds suspicious? Is Meera okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine. She's sleeping. Right?" Dia menolak lengan pemandu kereta.
"Ahh! Yeah, yeah!"

"I know she's not here, right? What happened? Where is she?"
"I...I...I'm sorry."
"I'm asking you again where she is?!"
Her voice started raise.

"We don't know, ma'am."


Erin and Vi Vi lied down on bed. They cuddled while watching a Netflix. Vi Vi kissed Erin repeatedly got stopped because get calling from Catherine.

"Can you please ask your girlfriend where is Meera?"
"I don't know. Bye!"
"Wait! Yeah, Catherine. What can i help you?"
"You Erin, right?"
"Yeah that is me. Why?"
"I don't know how to explain but Meera she ran away. I think she sulking or something. I don't know."
"Okay, okay. Relax. I'll call her."
"Thanks a lot."
"No need."
"Sorry disturbing you guys."
"It's fine. Hey! I'm not fine!"

Sambung Vi Vi.

"Sayang, kenapa cakap macam tu dia tu risau Meera je."
"Biar lah, girlfriend dia. Not me."
"But she's my best friend."
"Hmm, I'll call Meera first."

Meera yang lena dibuai mimpi terbangun kerana telefonnya.

"Ha angkat pun! Kau dekat mana?"
"Dekat rumah aku lah. Kenapa? Ngantuk lah. Ahh"

lukanya tertekan.

"Kenapa tu?"
"Tak ada apa - apa."
"Yelah tu. Aku bukan kawan kau 2 minggu eh, dan bertahun dan. Kejap lagi, ada orang datang. Siap - siap."
"Nanti kau tahulah."
"Isshh, esok pagi jelah. Aku mengantuk ni."

Loceng rumah berbunyi.

"Weh aku rasa orang tu dah sampai lah."
"Ha pergi cepat."
"Eee, malas lah. Ngantuk ni."

Dia cuba bangun dengan sedaya upaya. Loceng semakin kuat berbunyi.
"Eee! Sabar lah!"

Terkejut dia apabila buka pintu. Catherine menunggu nya. Dia cuba menutup semula tapi ditahan oleh Catherine. Catherine masuk ke rumah Meera. Mereka duduk di sofa.

"Why you running away, love? I'm worried about you."
"Suka hati lah."
"You mad at me, right? I'm sorry, okay. I didn't know."

She begged on her kness.

"Sorry, my love. Let's go back."
"Tak nak tidurlah dekat office tu."
"You jealous?"
"Bila masa! Lagi satu kau tu bukan girlfriend aku pun! Buat apa aku nak jealous. Kisah pula aku pasal hidup kau."
"Well, i care. I care about you. That's why I'm here."
"Tak tanya pun."

Meera memaling kan muka ke tempat lain.

"I love when you mad, you look pretty. Wait, you did not wearing as usual makeup you always wear, right?"
"Mana ada!"

Sambil cuma mengelap mukanya.

"I love this makeup. Where this always for me."
"Hmm, nanti tak tengok pun sama juga. Malas. Tengok laptop je."
"Love, where you get this injured? Are you okay?"

Sambil menyentuh luka Meera.

"Eee! Sakit lah!"
"Okay, sorry. I'm sorry, okay."
"Balik lah sana, ini bukan rumah kau."
"But i want you, who can replace you, my love?"

Meera naik ke tangga dan masuk ke bilik. Dia turun dan membawa anak patung lembu dan beri ke Catherine.

"What's this, love?"
"Peluk lah dia, not me malam ni."
"This is not same."
"Kisah pula aku? Lagi pun siku aku sakit macam ni, sakit lah kalau kau sentuh nanti. Tak fikir ke?"
"Hmm, betul juga. Tapi i nak you juga!!!"
Dia angkat Meera dan keluar pintu.

"Qian Qian take her bags and her shoes."
"Lepas lah!!!"

Dia menendang - nendang sambil cuba melepaskan diri.

"Love, why you being so mad ni? Can you at least tell me?"
"Fikir - fikir lah sendiri."

Dia tutup pintu kereta dan mulakan pemanduan. Meera memandang ke luar tingkap hingga tertidur.

"Eh? She's sleeping. So cute."

Dia mencium dahi Meera.

Sampai sahaja di halaman rumah, dia keluar dari kereta dan mengangkat Meera ke bilik Catherine. Meera elok baring di selimut Catherine.

Catherine tukar baju ke baju tidur dan tidur sebelah Meera. Dia main rambut Meera sambil merenung nya.

"Why you being so mad, today? I'm sorry, my love."

Dia tertidur sambil memandang muka Meera. Meera terbangun dari tidur dan menyentuh muka Catherine.

"Padan muka! Salah siapa? Kau lah. Sakit tau tangan aku."

Tanpa dia sedar, Catherine mendengar kata - katanya dan memegang pinggang Meera. Meera pun rapatkan badannya. Dia tidur di bantal yang sama dengan Catherine. Mereka saling bersentuhan pipi.

- sambung -

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