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"Sayang, kita nak pergi mana lepas ni?"
"Where you wanna go?"
"Aquaria! Aquarium date!"
"But we still have to go shopping first, our clothes stain with the sand that we played."
"Haah lah. Sorry, sayang."
"It's okay, dear."


"Dah habis makan kan? Berambus cepat."
"Don't want. I'll go with you."
"Apa masalah kau ni ha? Lantak kau lah."
"Wooooo, chill. Are you okay?"
"Tak lah! Pergi tanya lagi."
"What happened? Let me know. I'll solve it for you."

Dia mengeluh dan duduk di kerusi. Catherine mendekatkan diri.

"Today, i don't have any customers. Dah lah Erin lama tak masuk kerja. Apa nak jadi lah."

Dia mengadu ke Catherine.

"Kan already told you, I'm your only customer today."
"Ha? Jadi betullah? Aku ingat kau main - main."

Mukanya yang kusam berubah dengar kata - kata Catherine dengan terkejut.

"Ada nampak i main - main ke. Don't worry. I already paid for income that you lost for today."
"Banyaknya duit. Untunglah, orang kaya."

Mukanya monyok semula.

"Doesn't mean bring the happiness, though."

Catherine said proudly.

"Ye ke? Then, beli baju mahal - mahal. Bawa kereta baru, beli itu beli ini. Labur sana sini, itu tak kata seronok?"
"Nope, that's not me. I am still searching for the happiness that i want."
"Dah tu? Cari lah. Duit bagi aku kalau kau tak nak. Aku ni lagi nak duit, kau tak nak. Pelik!"
"I can do that. But, you have to marry me."

Lagi sekali kepalanya terangkat memandang Catherine.

"I like you, Ameera."
"Apa ni?"
"Then, sign a contract. You'll get the money, I'll get you."
"Tak nak. If you really like someone, show them your efforts to love them. Show them that they're worth to be loved by you."

Catherine senyum sendiri mendengar kata - kata Meera. Dia tahu Meera takkan sukakan idea itu. Itu lah sisi Meera yang dicari.

"Then, be my wife. We'll buy the ring tomorrow."
"Can't! Kerja."
"Maksudnya, you terima I?"

Begetar mulutnya sambil mengelak dari memandang Catherine.
"Dah lah, nak tutup kedai ni. Pergi balik sana."

Dia bangun kerana perbualan mereka berhenti. Dia masuk ke pantri dan mula mengemas apa yang patut.

"I'll help you."
"Suka hati lah."


"Dear, give me your hand. I'll wear the tickets for you."

Dia beri tangannya ke Vi Vi. Vi Vi mula menampal tiket di pergelangan tangan Erin.

"Thanks, sayang."
Vi Vi balas dengan ciuman dia pipi.
"Go! Go! Go!"
"Ye, ye, jom!"

Mereka berpegangan tangan dan mula berjalan menjelajah. Sepanjang mereka berjalan. Vi Vi merekod dan mengambil Erin. Sangat gembira!

"Why, dear?"
"Lega. I've been waiting for this date for my whole life!!!"
"Sukanya dia."
"Mestilah suka!"


"Let's go, hang out. Take a break. I'll treat your drink."
"Can't drink, and i never drink."
"Ya." Sambil mengunci pintu Cafe .
"Let's go." Dia tarik tangan Meera.
"Tak nak, orang dah cakap kan."
"It's fine. I'll teach you." Sambil menyelak rambut Meera ke belakang telinga dan mencium leher Meera.


"Hi, Bella! Can you get us a bottle of vodka?"
"What? Apa tu?"
"She's new?"
"Yeah, she's best friend with Erin."
"Ooh, her! Hi! I'm Bella, " sambil menghulurkan tangan.
"Hi." With awkwardness, she shakes her hands.
"She's kind. Don't worry." Catherine senyum ke Meera.
"Tak cakap apa - apa pun."
"Hahahaha, okay."

Bella sibuk mengemas bar dan mengelap cawan - cawan basah sambil berborak dengan Catherine di tepi. Berjauhan dengan Meera.

"What do you think about her?"
"Her? I love her."
"I know but you shouldn't do that to her to trick her."
"I've been asking her question. Same! But still....."
"She's not saying yes or no, right?"

Bella laughed.

"Eh, how do you know."
Bella chuckled.

Catherine duduk semula sebelah Meera.

"You not drinking?"
"Eee, tak nak lah. Pelik - pelik je air macam ni. Pastu mabuk."
"No, it's depends on person. If you take a little sip, you will not get drunk like you saw."
"Ye ke?"
"Yeah, let me pour for you."

Catherine menuangkan Vodka ke cawan Meera yang teriisi ais batu. Meera masih ragu - ragu hendak mencuba. Dia meneguk satu kali.

"Hmm, ok lah."
"Memang lah, alcohol dalam ni tak kuat macam wine. That's why."
"Ooo ye ke? I think, i should change your name. Your name is too long for me."
"Hahahaha, is that so? Apa?"
"Okay, i like that."
"So, from now on, I'll call you that. Only i can call you that, okay?"

"I think i want to try that."
"This is have the strongest alcohol and it's very expensive for you."
"It's okay, my girlfriend will pay for me."

Catherine tersenyum dengar kata - kata Meera tu. Mereka saling senyum antara satu sama lain.

"Give her that."

- sambung -

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