Bubble's POV::

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oi'm really tired for some reason, but oi didn't really do anything. I barely even talked to anyone, but. . . oi dunno, nevermind. Just feeling a little out of it. Oi lean up against the wall, trying to stoiy awake, but it's hard. Oi'm in the abandoned building with match, and she wants me to stoiy up to talk to her. Oih-- oih shoot..!!

Oi look back at her, giving moi best smoile, and hoping she thinks I've been listening. Oi can't believe oi would ignoire her loike that...!!!

"---and then I. . . Bubble?? Are you even like, listening to me??? Ugh! You always do this!!!" She shouts at me, waving in front of my face, trying to get my attention back.
"Oi'm listening!! Soirry. . . Oi, um. . ." I struggle to find something to say back. I definitely wasn't listening to her, but... I- no. It's my fault, "Oi'm soirry. Oi just got distracted...!! Oi'm listening now. . . soirry."
"No. I don't even wanna like, talk to you anymore. If you hate me just like, say that. God. I'm going to bed..." She turns around, laying down.
Oih no. . . Oi messed up. Again. It makes her really sad when oi don't listen, and oi just did. . . Oi'm so terrible. Oi'm sorry, match. . . Oi always ruin these things. Oi turn around, though, it'll be hard to sleep tonight knowing that I hurt someone on purpose.

sorry for the violently short chapter, this one is just the setting until we can get into the more important storyline with icy//

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