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Waking up at 9 every day to work at a small cafe was something Yunho had always looked forward to and enjoyed. He loved his job, but he loved performing more. Every day after he'd get off work he'd head home, freshen up and change, grab his guitar and microphone, and he'd leave to set up on the street.

It was a simple pleasure, people stopping to listen and occasionally throwing money in his guitar case. He liked not only the attention, but he just enjoyed how playing made him feel. It was like he could release so many emotions in a song, wether it be a cover or original, and no one would even question.

Sometimes people would record him and post it online, he loved coming across the videos. When one of them blew up, he started getting more constant attention. It was fun, ego boosting even. So many people enjoyed listening to him, he was really enjoying it, he started getting small gigs at bars too.

Slowly, Yunho started writing more original works. It was really fun, he was passionate about it, and people loved it. His original music quickly became popular with people who'd regularly watch him.

Yunho started getting more attention, being asked out or hit on. He wasn't too fond of it, but it definitely boosted his ego. Every now and then after one of his gigs at a bar he would go home with a pretty man, but Yunho wasn't really fond of hookups.

Today was like every other day. Yunho woke up, checked his phone to see a few dms on Instagram where he'd occasionally post recordings of his performances, then began getting ready for the day.

Yunho clocked in to his shift at the cafe, greeting his coworker Yeosang. Yeosang was someone Yunho really liked, one of the only coworkers he did actually. The pair would text sometimes and had hung out after work a few times before. He was pretty, sure, but Yunho never saw anything in Yeosang even though he had hit on him a few times.

"Hey Yunho! Do you know that rapper, Mingi?" Yeosang asked, wiping off the counter while Yunho stood by the register.

"Um, I've heard of him online, but not really. Why?" Yunho inquired, watching his friend.

"Well, I got tickets to one of his concerts tonight and I was gonna go with my friend but she cancelled on me. Do you want to join me instead?" Yeosang asked, looking at Yunho with puppy eyes.

Yunho rolled his eyes and smiled a little, "You know I'm not really into that kind of music. Why me anyway? Wouldn't it be more fun to go with one of your other friends?"

"Pleaasee! You need to get out more anyway, I'm like your only friend! You could maybe even meet a boy there," Yeosang teased, continuing to give him puppy eyes.

"What time is it at?" Yunho sighed, knowing he'd give in.

"8 tonight! the concert ends at 10 but he always throws after parties that any of the concert guests can go to until midnight!" Yeosang excitedly told him.

"Fine. I'll pick you up at 7:30 then?" Yunho said with a small smile. He really loved his friend, even if it didn't seem like he did.

Yeosang nodded eagerly before a customer walked in, cutting their conversation off.

How did I get myself into this, thought Yunho at 7 that night. Yunho was slowly putting himself together. He had just gotten out of the shower and dried his hair, now he was standing in front of his closet in just underwear pulling out random things to wear.

Obviously, he had to dress up some. He was going to a concert, and Yeosang was right, what if he did meet a pretty guy he wanted to sleep with or take out? He had to at least try.

Yunho settled on a pair of baggy black jeans, a cute cropped shirt, and a comfortable and slightly baggy hoodie. He got dressed, finishing the outfit with his signature converse. Yunho decided he should do slight natural makeup, dotting concealer over any discolored spots on his face and blotting it out before brushing a light brown shadow over his lids and finishing the look with soft eyeliner.

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