OMG hotsprings!?!?!?😦😩

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As soon as those words left wukongs mouth MK was already making a mad dash past him off of the nimbus, straight onto the moutain and began running around trying to get a look at everything that was on the mountains garden, observing and pointing at everything with such fanciation as a child in a candy store.

Wukong tried to follow all of MK's movements with his eyes but the young monkey prince, in the first time in EVER, was too fast for his mentor. Even going as far as to make wukong a bit dizzy.

Before MK could wander off too far in his childish little trance of curiosity and excitment, wukong stepped off of the nimbus with his arms folded in a surprisingly calm manner before using his tail to grab MK by his torso and drag him back to wukong's side.

"Slow down there, kid. We still gotta unpack our stuff, after that THEN you can go explore the mountain!", wukong said as he gave MK a light squeeze as if he was ensuring that his successor would stay still, earning a squeak out of MK.

"O-oh yeah, forgot about those...", MK muttered, an embarrassed smile spreading across his face as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his furry neck.

MK then lightly squirmed his way out of his mentor's tail's grasp and got back up to his feet, walking over the awaiting nimbus that stayed parked at the edge of the mountain's edge. He took his suit cases off of the nimbus and placed them down on the ground nearby his feet. wukong followed suit, grabbing his suit case but instead of grabbing it by hand he grabbed the handle with his tail before swiftly dismissing his nimbus.

MK looked over at his mentor's tail with clear confusion and amazement even though hes seen wukong do the same trick like 100 times-  He then looked down at his own tail before trying to curl it around the handle of one of his cases and lift it up like wukong was doing but to no avail, his tail struggled to lift the weight of the suitcase which slightly frustrated MK.

"Hey, monkey king," MK called out to his mentor just before wukong was about to start walking through the garden. Wukong froze in place and turned his gaze towards his successor with a small hum of acknowledgment, "how come you can carry things with your tail and i cant?", he asked his mentor as he pointed over to his suitcases on the ground.

Wukong tilted his head in confusion for a bit before looking over at his own tail and raising his brows in realisation. A smug grin spread across the burnish furred monkey's face before he used his tail to throw suit case up into the air.

"It called having a little something called 'skills', bud! And balance and all that what-not...", wukong boasted proudly, muttering the last part as he caught the suit case he threw in mid air spinning it on his finger before tossing it up again and catching it with his tail.

MK watched his mentor do this with stars in his eyes and his mouth slightly agape in amazement.

"Ooooo, you gotta teach me that, monkey king! That was so cool and awesome!", MK cheered with his hands clasped together, hopping from foot to foot excitedly like a child as his tail wagged in anticipation.

"Maybe later, kiddo,", wukong chuckled as he reached over to ruffle the young monkey prince's furr, "but for now lets get this stuff in the cabin.", he said, pointing over to the stone path that trailed through out the garden and into the distance leading somewhere else.

Wukong then began to make his way over to the stone pathway, beginning to follow it with MK soon following behind his mentor, swiftly grabbing his suitcases and carrying them along with him.

"Wait this place has a cabin? I thought we were sleeping outside.", MK questioned, raising his eyebrows as he began to hop from stone to stone on the pathway just for fun. Wukong noticed this and decided why not join in on the fun and started doing it too but with much more grace in his steps.

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