그냥 얘기 -49

45 2 0

Just A Talk



"I won't work tomorrow."

"Hm, why is that?"

"One of my sons is getting bullied at school, and Imma have to go talk to that stupid principal."

"Oh damn. Is the principal not tryna do anything about it?"

"Why the hell do you think I am going to have a little talk, hm?"

"Damn, I would never wanna mess with you. Not even dream, little man."

"Come on, only 1 year older than me."

"Well, you don't gotta wait till tomorrow. Go get 'em, tiger!"

"But I have to work."

"I will take over. You go."

He sighs. "Chan, thanks a lot, man."

"Nha of course. Now go get 'em!"

Yoongi changes into his normal clothes, not the suit as the bartender and goes to the elementary school. The kids are in the same school but in their classes. He goes to the office and speaks to a very kind lady.

"Hello, Mrs." says Yoongi, trying to sound nice.

"Hello, Sir. You are?" she asks, looking up at him from her computer and finding him really cute.

"I am here to talk to the principal." says Yoongi.

"About your kids?" asks the lady, secretly admiring his face.

"Yes. There is an issue."

"Your kids are..?" asks the lady, going back to her computer.

"Min Seokjin, Min Hoseok, Min Namjoon, and Min Taehyung." says Yoongi, he did not list Jungkook since he does not go to this school, but a separate school, preschool.

"Hmm. Min Yoongi?"

"Yes, that is me."

"I will ask him." says the woman, standing up and going to the principal's office.

Yoongi waits in the waiting room. His eyes scan around the office and his eyes go to the principal's door as it is being opened and the woman nods so he stands up and enters as she goes back to sitting down in front of the computer.

He goes in and shuts the door behind him and sits down in front of him. With a raised eyebrow, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek.

"I knew you would come back, sir. How is your day-"

"Listen here, old man." Yoongi coldly snaps, sending him cold glares. "That boy is my son. And I would do anything to not see him cry. Even if it means becoming Ted Bundy."

"Sir, you don't speak like that."

"Oh, but I do."

"You surely won't turn into Ted Bundy just for that boy, right?" says the principal.

"Oh, I could be worse."

"I will have to call the cops on you if you keep talking like you have a deadly mental illness." he says.

"Mental illness?" he laughs. "Deadly mental illness!"

"Sir, calm down, and let's talk like the adults we are." he calmly says.

"I am not an adult. And you aren't either. You are an elder! Super elder!"

"How old are you?" the principal angrily asks.

"27, same age when Ted started!"

"Woah. You seem younger."

"Nah, duh. Really? I am 17. The next Ted but 10 years younger, hm?" says Yoongi.

"Ok. Ok. Tell me what happened."

"After school my son, Min Taehyung, came crying and said some girls by the name of Seulgi, Yeri and Wendy, they are in third grade," says Yoongi, "Were saying some rude stuff to my poor little son."

"Well, maybe your son started it." says the principal.

"Why are you sticking up for them?"

"Well, you know the famous model Park Irene, right?" asks the principal. "Wife of Park Jimin."

Yoongi nods, hearing his boyfriend's last name with that girl makes him angry and sad, but Jimin is loyal, so he trusts him that he won't do anything to her. "Everywhere I go people talk about him.."

"Those are her daughters. So I let them do anything they want." says the principal.

Yoongi was in shock. "Like, adopted? Or like, actually actually?"

"No, like, those are her actual daughters with a guy she used to date, now their new dad is Jimin." says the principal. "If they weren't her children then I would have gotten them in trouble. Now you gotta change that kid to some other school."

Yoongi was shocked and angry. "Is that Irene girl still here? I thought Park Jimin and Irene went to the US?"

"Nah. Haven't you heard?" says the principal. "Only Jimin went to the US. Irene is still in South Korea. Jimin's parents sent him over there for 2 years and no one knows why."

"Oh. . ." he says, looking down. "Well," he looks up at him and sends cold glares, "You have to do something. That is my son. Some little girls won't be making fun of him no more."

"I can't."

"You can and you will." Yoongi coldly says. "Do it or I will sue you."

"Will you really waste your time doing that?"

"I will until you do something about it."

"Damn, you are a real protective dad."

"Are you a dad yourself because I bet you did a bad job."

"Dad at 17 is crazy. A became a dad at 30." says the principal, "And those are my actual kids."

Yoongi glares at him. "Do something about it."

"I will try." he says, his tone sounding as if he won't.

Yoongi gets angry and balls his fists. He stands up from the chair and leaves the principal's office and slams the door. He goes to the front desk lady.


"Picking up Min Seokjin, Min Hoseok, Min Namjoon and Min Taehyung early today." says Yoongi.

"Alright." She phones 4 classes and 5 minutes later all the kids are with him.

"Appa?" asks Hoseok, "We going home?"

"Yes, we are." says Yoongi, as they all leave and get in the car to go to the preschool.

"Why did you pick us up early?" Seokjin asks.

"Because I just felt like it." says Yoongi, sounding angry which made them stay quiet. He didn't know they stayed quiet because his angry tone scared them.

"Appa~" Taehyung cries, as Yoongi drives to Jungkook's preschool.

"Oh no. . . Why are you crying, baby?" asks Yoongi, still driving and looking at Taehyung through the rear-view mirror.

"We are sorry. . ." Namjoon says.

"Sorry?" asks Yoongi, confused but worried.

"Did we make you angry?" sniffles Hoseok.

Yoongi understood that he sounded angry, but not angry because of them but because of that stupid ass principal. "No, no. Babies, no. . . You guys did nothing wrong.."

"Then why are you angry?" asks Namjoon, hugging Taehyung.

Yoongi sighs. "Because.." he sighs again, "I lost my piece of paper.."

"Oh!" they all say as they giggle.

Yoongi softly smiles.

He parks outside the preschool and goes inside without his kids and as quickly as he could he asks for 'Min Jungkook' and they bring him to him and quickly goes into the car and Seokjin buckles Jungkook in his carseat.

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