침입자! 침입자!! -50

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When he drives back to their apartment he parks and gets off with Jungkook in his arms and goes to his front door, digs his hand into his pocket, the other arm is carrying Jungkook, and grabs his keys. He was about to put the key in when he noticed it was already unlocked which made him shocked. He twists the doorknob and slowly peaks inside.

The apartment looks the same. . .

He enters but does not let his children go in yet. He tells them to wait outside for a bit as he puts Jungkook down next to Seokjin. He goes in and his eyes scan the apartment.

Nothing. . .

"Come in." Yoongi says as the 5 children enter.

Yoongi was still in front of his children, so the kids were behind him taking off their shoes, when suddenly a knife was thrown at Yoongi, but completely missed, almost hitting Hoseok.

Yoongi was in shock. "Oh my GOD!" he yells, as he protects his children. "Who is there! Huh! Come out and show yourself!" Yoongi angrily yells.

The kids were confused and scared as they hid behind Yoongi. Jungkook was crying and so was Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Long time no see." says a deep and cold voice, similar to Yoongi's. "How long has it been? I wonder.."

"Hey, man, please just get out of my house. I can give you all my money and anything you want, don't expect much. But please leave my kids out of this.." Yoongi says, angry but scared for his sons.

"It's been 11 years. Don't you remember me?"

Yoongi knows where he is. He is in the kitchen, all the lights are off so he can't see him, the only light helping him is the light from the door's window.

"Please, man. Just get out.." says Yoongi, walking backwards making his kids also do the same. He reaches out for the doorknob, still looking towards the direction of the kitchen.

"Man, I love that scared look on your face."

Yoongi sees something shine coming from the kitchen. Looks like a knife.

Yoongi twists the doorknob and immediately the knife is thrown at him, straight to his hand which makes him yell out in pain.

The kids all started crying as they hug Yoongi and cry on him.

"Appa!" they all worriedly yell.

Yoongi sits on the floor and holds his right hand in pain as tears pile up in his eyes. "Go! Run! What are you doing here, run now!" yells Yoongi, looking at his sons in tears.

"No, appa!" yells Seokjin, kissing his forehead.

"Seokjin, now! Follow Jin, please. Run. Jin, take them far away please. Run! Run!" yells Yoongi.

The kids look at him but Namjoon opens the door and they all manage to leave without a knife thrown at them.

Yoongi cries there. "What is your problem! Kids were around! You could have hurt me when they weren't here!" yells Yoongi in pain.

"Come here.."

"NO!" yells Yoongi, as he stands up and winces at his red hand. His hand is completely covered in blood.

"Let me cure it.. That is my job.."

Yoongi could hear someone getting off the island of the kitchen and walking towards him. Yoongi reaches out for the doorknob, still looking at the direction of the kitchen but his voice stops him.

"Hey! I am trying to help you, man!"

"No! You hurt me, and in front of my sons!" yells Yoongi.

"Let me see it.." says the man, as he finally comes into view.

Yoongi looks at him. He has longish dark brown hair that covers his eyes a bit, his eyes are just like his', dark brown and tiny. He was paler than Yoongi and almost dressed the same.

"Who are you!" Yoongi yells, terrified as he winces in pain and cries more due to his bloody hand that is now dripping on the floor.

"Hey..." says the person as he gently grabs Yoongi's bloody hand. "I am sorry..."

"Wh-who are you... Whah-what do you want from me... Please don't hurt my sons.." Yoongi cries. "Ah shit. Do anything you want to me but please not my sons..." he sobs.

"No no... I- Let me cure it..." the man says as he pulls out a tissue and wipes the blood away.

Yoongi winces in pain and cries more.

"Lil man, it is fine..." says the man.

"Listen, man, I don't have much... But take anything please..." Yoongi says as he pulls his bloody hand away from him.

The man sighs as he pulls out a handkerchief and gently grabs Yoongi's hand and wraps it around so he could stop bleeding. "There."

Yoongi whimpers, his lower lip still shaking.

"I uhm... Listen... Do you remember who I am?" the man asks, with hope in his eyes, but still that cold and deep voice.

Yoongi shakes his head. "I don't, but please get out of my apartment... My sons must be worried and I can't keep them outside... Please leave."

"Min Yoongi."

Yoongi looks at him and holds his hand, wrapped with the man's handkerchief. "Ho-how do you know my name? Ah-are you one of those stalkers?" Yoongi asks, scared.

"I am your older brother. Min Daesung. It's been 11 years, Yoongles."

Our Tiny(?) Family {Yoonmin} ✅️ Where stories live. Discover now