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"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" I squealed as soon as I reached my hotel room, pulling my hair and digging my face into the pillow on the bed. "Avianna Elara Celestine Carlos. You are out of your mind!"

I knew the time would come when I needed to talk and interact with Charles, but I didn't expect it to be too soon. How come Lando didn't tell me that Charles was coming? I mean, obviously, Lando and Pierre don't know about us, but still, fate really loves getting in our way, doesn't it?

"Avianna Carlos, let's look at the brighter side of everything. Now that you can somehow communicate with him again, it means that you'll get along with him more as teammates. After all, you're now living THE dream!" I convinced myself, directly looking at the mirror. "You slayed hard, girl." I'm going crazy.

After processing my emotions for a few minutes and a debate with myself that went on full circle, I finally decided to bring myself to the shower and pamper as I sleep. While putting some shampoo on my long black hair, I once again pulled my hair, feeling cringed. I could not stop but remember the things I just said. But in my defense, I shouldn't entirely blame myself. I should blame the alcohol content of the wine we drank.

Before dozing off to sleep, I did my usual night skincare routine and drank a bottle of fresh almond milk. I opened my phone for a few more minutes to check our pictures a while ago. Goodness, gracious god. Charle's still hasn't changed a bit. His impeccable charm and striking features are like a timeless masterpiece. Those deep, expressive eyes that just make you want him more, and his contagious, alluring smile. He's like a magnetic field that effortlessly attracts everyone and everything around him. Eventually, I surrendered as the sleepiness finally shut down my conscious system, leaving me with a subtle smile before I succumbed to dreams.

The morning sun in Monaco painted the sky with a vibrant hue of orange, signaling the start of a new day. The sunlight started penetrating my room's blinds, making my eyes glare. With no choice, I stretched lazily and rose from my bed, completely opening the blinds covering the breathtaking morning view of Monaco.

Luckily, I still have some leftovers from my lunch yesterday for today's breakfast. I don't have enough energy to cook breakfast or go down to eat at the hotel's breakfast buffet. While eating, I grabbed my phone to check my social media messages and emails, replying to some of them.

Lando Norris mentioned you in their story...

I couldn't help but smile while looking at Lando's Instagram story. We looked so good and happy in the picture. By we, I meant the four of us.

Using my dummy account on Twitter, I also scrolled for a couple of minutes until Lando's Instagram story also appeared on my feed, reposted by a supporter. The first picture was the whole picture, but the second panel was cropped, leaving me and Charles on the photograph.

One Last Drive I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now