Chapter 8

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The two walked to the door of Foxy's room. The fox opened the door and entered the room with the beautiful wolf. Foxy's mouth fell open. This room is amazing. Roxy looked at him, smiling softly, and rested her head on his shoulder. His expression looks happy. He likes the room.

The red walls of the room were decorated with two pirate flags, a picture of Foxy's face, his name and LED lights. There was a red dressing table with black drawers and a square gold mirror. There was a shark cardboard cutout on the dressing table. There were lots of Foxy plushies scattered around the room. There were also wooden barrels, some boxes and golden star-shaped balloons visible in the room. Next to the dressing table there was an open treasure chest filled with many small gold coins. A crab figure was next to the treasure chest. In front of the comfortable golden couch there was a small round table and in one corner there was a black pirate slot machine.

"Wow Roxy I didn't think my green room would look so amazing. Everything is coordinated with my pirate look." said the red fox. Roxanne's tail wagged with joy. "It makes me very glad that you like your room so much. I like it when you're happy Foxy." She said to him in a soft voice. Foxy smiled sheepishly as Roxy wrapped her soft tail around his right leg.

Roxanne had picked up a Foxy plushie from the floor and was cuddling with it, tail wagging. The pirate fox twitched one ear and looked at the beautiful wolf. She melts my animatronic heart. "Do you like me as a plushie?" he asked in a loving voice. "Well if you want you can keep the plushie. I have enough plushies here in my room." he giggled.

Roxanne immediately stopped cuddling the plush toy and blushed. "Um, thanks Foxy. I'd really like to keep the plushie." she said sheepishly. Oh how sweet of him to give me one of his plushies. Roxy clutched the plush toy tighter.

"Well come on Roxy, I'll walk you to your room." said the pirate fox to the beautiful wolf. Roxanne nodded. "Yes, I think it's closing time in five minutes then we have to be in our rooms." She said back, gently nudging the plush toy fox's snout.

The two left Foxy's room and made they way to Roxy's room. The couple stopped in front of the room door. Roxanne looked at the fox gently. "I really enjoyed spending time with you Foxy maybe we can do it again tomorrow." she said to him. Foxy nodded, smiling. "I really enjoyed spending time with you too Roxanne. I...I like you a lot, you're a great friend." he said back. Now come on Foxy tell her you love her. Now come on.

Roxanne drooped her ears slightly. I am only a great friend. He doesn't love me, he just feels friendship for me. "I hope you have a nice night in your room Foxy. Sleep well and have nice dreams." said the beautiful wolf and gave the fox a quick sweet kiss on the cheek. "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow morning." then she wanted to go into her room.

"Wait Roxy I wanted to tell you wanted to tell you that I...I..." Foxy started to say, blushing in embarrassment. His animatronic heart beating wildly in his chest.

"What do you want to tell me Foxy?" Roxy asked, looking at the fox. Her tail wagged slightly back and forth. What does he want to tell me? Maybe he loves me after all?

"I...I..." the pirate fox didn't dare tell Roxanne that he loves her. "Um...sleep well too. See you in the morning." Foxy said to her. Roxanne's expression became slightly sad then she nodded and went into her room. I'm such a stupid pirate...

The pirate fox sighed and then saw Bonnie, Chica, Freddy and Gregory coming into Rockstar Row. The bear and the rabbit were talking. Chica held six pizza boxes in her hand, ate a slice of pizza and gave Foxy a quick friendly wave before she went into her room to eat all the pizzas there.

Gregory came running over to Foxy and stood in front of him. "Did you tell Roxy you love her?" the boy asked him. The pirate fox drooped his ears. "I..I didn't dare tell her." replied he. "I don't feel well...maybe I'm just tired."

The boy sighed. "Then tell Roxy you love her in the morning. You have to confess your love to her then you'll feel better Foxy." Gregory said and then ran back to Freddy.

Foxy walked into his room and laid down on his comfortable gold couch. All he could think about was Roxanne the whole time. Her beauty. Her soft silver hair and soft silver tail. Her enchanting yellow eyes. Her wonderful voice. I love Roxy with all my heart. I have to confess my love to her. Then the fox's eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.

The next morning

Foxy left his room. He saw Chica come out of her room and left Rockstar Row skipping happily. She probably goes to the cupcake shop to eat the new cupcakes.

The pirate fox was about to go to Roxy's room when suddenly Monty came up to him and stood in his way. The fox flattened his ears. "What do you want Monty?" Foxy asked growling.

"I hope you don't plan on spending the day with Roxanne again today. Foxy, I told you that she's not good for you. That stupid wolf is a troublemaker, you're much better off without her." said the alligator.

Foxy wanted to hit the alligator with his hook in anger. "Roxy is not a troublemaker! I'm going to spend the day with her again today! I won't let anything happen to Roxy! I love her!" the pirate fox said back.

"You're going to be in big trouble! You have to stop hanging out with Roxanne!" Monty said, narrowing his eyes. "I'm just worried for your safety Foxy. Your feelings for Roxy won't end well! Get rid of those feelings before it's too late!"

"I won't drop my feelings for Roxy!" Foxy said, baring his teeth angrily. "How can my love for her cause any harm?" Why couldn't that alligator just leave me and Roxy alone?

"If you don't want to listen to me Foxy, it's your own fault." Monty said huffing turned around and left Rockstar Row.

Foxy let his ears droop and looked at the ground. Then he saw Bonnie come out of his room and look over at him in a friendly way. Foxy looked back at the rabbit in a friendly manner. At least the others aren't like Monty. Then Bonnie left Rockstar Row.

Freddy left his room with Gregory. The bear looked to the pirate fox. "Hey Foxy have fun in Pirate Cove." he called to him in a friendly voice. Foxy smiled. "I'll have fun. Thank you." the fox called back in a friendly voice. Freddy is a good leader.

The bear left Rockstar Row. Gregory ran over to Foxy, climbed onto his back, clung to his shoulder and played with Foxy's gold earrings. "Today you have to dare and confess your love to Roxy." said the boy. "Don't be so shy. I know that Roxy likes you too because she always looks at you so in love, haven't you noticed?"

"Well I'll try to tell her today sailor." Foxy replied. The boy jumped off Foxy's back. "Okay captain good luck. I'm going back to Freddy now. Bye." Gregory said, running out of Rockstar Row. The pirate fox looked after him with a smile. He's a nice boy.

"Good morning Foxy." The pirate fox suddenly heard Roxy's wonderful voice behind him. He turned to her. "Uh...g...good morning Roxy." he said back. Roxanne's tail wagged back and forth. "How was your first night in your room?" she asked.

" first night in my room was nice. I slept well." he answered. Roxanne smiled softly. "I'm glad to hear that, Foxy." she said.

" you like to go to Pirate Cove with me?" the fox asked the beautiful wolf. "I tell the children exciting pirate stories."

"Oh Foxy. I would really like come with you but I have a shift at my beauty salon now." Roxanne answered him. "Would you like to come with me? I think your shift at Pirate Cove doesn't start until 8:20 a.m. You still have time."

The pirate fox nodded. "Uh okay." he said. The couple left Rockstar Row and headed to Glamrock Beauty Salon.

FNaF SB: The Fox in love ❤️ (Glamrock Foxy X Roxanne Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now