• Prologue •

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A man who just came home from a tiring work looking tired asf.. he takes his shoe's, his uniform and etc.. he went to his kitchen to grab something to drink after that he went to his room and approach his table in the top of his table there was a virtual looking headset..

He put it on as he sits on his chair.. after hours of playing he eyes getting heavy.. he didn't bother going to bed so he just sleep there..

Moments later..

He woke up.. he feels the sun hitting his skin.. Calm breeze hitting him.. when he fully opened his eyes.. he saw the sky and the nature..

He blinked multiple times even rubbing his eyes trying to see it was real.. it felt so real.. He stands up as he see a little pond so he goes as he look at the water looking at his reflection.. and he didn't expected what he sees..

???: What.. The.. Fuck..

The Bored Thunder (Skeleton Knight in another world x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now