▪️ CHAPTER 03 ▪️

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After the dou finished their work at the village saying goodbye while Marca little sister gave them a flower crown as a reward.. And now we see Arc and Y/N going to a cave that is filled with bandits..

Arc: Hahaha, Where are you trying to go?

The bandits ran away from the menacing dou.

Bandit: The hell, what is that thing?!

Bandit #69: Our comrades have been defeated!

Bandit #3: I-Its a monster!

The bandits meet an dead end of the cave as they turned around seeing Arc and Y/N approaching them the bandits were terrified as they beat the shit out of the bandits as their scream echoes through the cave... After they finish beating the bandits Arc found loads of gold in the corner.

Arc: Well, well, well. These guys have been hoarding a lot.

Y/N: You sure are obsessed with gold huh?

Arc: Well with this we could buy whatever we want like food!

Y/N: Huh touché.

Arc then noticed some cages in the cave..

Arc: Cages?
Time skip brought you by Y/N and Panda eating together

Arc: Cages?_________________Time skip brought you by Y/N and Panda eating together

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After they pack up the golds as they go to the exit of the cave then suddenly a woman runs up to them with a sword. Arc dodges the incoming attack and block while Y/N just sitting a bag full of coins watching them fighting.

Y/N: You can do it Arc!

Arc: Why are you just watching?!

Arc and the woman continues to fight landing heavy blows..

???: Give back the children you kidnapped!

Arc: J-Just a second! What are you talking about?

???: Are you playing dumb?

Arc: There must to be some misunderstanding. I demand to discuss!

???: I don't want to discuss with a bandit of the human race!

Y/N in the background: Ayo that's kinda sound racist.

Arc: Do I look like a bandit in this outfit?

???: A knight took side with the bandits. How low you are!

Arc: You're wrong!

???: No discussion needed!

The woman was about to land a hit on Arc suddenly Y/N appears in the middle on them as Y/N block her attack with his staff as Ponta and Panda appears beside them the woman shocks as she backs away a bit.

???: A Ventu-Vulpis?

Y/N: Huh? A Ventu what now?

???: Why would a spirit beast get along with a bandits..

The Bored Thunder (Skeleton Knight in another world x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now