▫️CHAPTER 01 ▫️

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( ) creator thoughts
Jollibee?! People thoughts
Merry Christmas! Abilities

Y/N: What.. The.. Fuck..

Ever since I woke up in this world I was so damn confused.. but after awhile of collecting my thoughts I have come into a conclusion..

Y/N: I got transported into my favourite game.. Must be a dream?

I tried to pinch myself and I felt the pain.

Y/N: Ok it's real alright.. Hmmm.. I can't believe i got transported here.. but I ain't complaining though..

I started to look around as i head to a cliff looking at the view.

Y/N: Wow.. it's nice to see this view.. Now if I got here then that means I could use my abilities hmmm.. imma try it out.

I go to huge ass rock (vine boom) as I aim my hand at it.

Y/N: If I remember correctly I should do this.

My hand suddenly was covered in electric as I shoot out a orb of electricity as it hits the huge ass rock (vine boom) it shattered into pieces..

Y/N: Damn.. that's strong as hell.. I should be careful with this.. Now maybe I should enjoy this new life of mine.. well I kinda hated my old one to be honest.. but now I'm not gonna miss this opportunity.

I crouch into a running position as jump off the cliff and doing some sick parkour.

In a distance a group of ugly ass bandits were holding down two woman..

???:  No! Let me go! No! Rita! Rita!

A woman tries to get off the holds of the bandits while the other bandit was tearing down her clothes..

[ Ok I might skip some part here cause uhmm.. it's kinda hard to type it down so yeah.]

Suddenly a huge shadow tower over the bandit..

Bandit #1: Why is it suddenly dark?

The bandit turns around to see a huge person wearing a white armour.

Bandit #1: W-Who are you?

Suddenly the four bandits got sliced from there upper body (heh deserve) the other bandits saw this and tried to ran away but they got sliced by fucking wind slash.. out of nowhere a bandit tried to hit the huge man in white armour but the bandit got his head impaled by a freaking staff.. (brutal but the bandit deserves it)

The man in white armour looks who did it he saw a man in the tree.

Y/N: Yo.

After awhile they all settled..

Rita: Thank you so much for saving us.

Rita comfort Lauren from the incident.

Rita: Uhmm, Sir Knight and Sir Sorcerer, where do you come from, and which lord do you serve?

Arc: Ehem, we can talk about it later, first you should change you're clothes.. I shall clean up after the bandits..

Y/N: I was about to say Ohio but I'm just gonna be quiet here.

Rita: I understand, thank you very much.

Arc goes to the bodies of the bandits and use his fire ability to well burn down the evil.. he looks at Y/N who is leaning at a tree.

Arc: May I ask who are you?

Y/N: Should I say him my real name? Hmm.. No maybe like later.. Im Hajime, Hajime Kashimo..

Arc: I am Arc.. Are you a adventurer?

Y/N: Nah I'm just a wanderer.

Arc's nodded as he goes to the horses of the bandits as he does a little peak at the two woman.

Y/N: is bro literally peaking right now? Damn..

In Arc's mind.

Arc: Alright they're not looking.. I'm gonna loot the bandits let's go!


( Alright the first chapter is finished! I might have to look at this back to see a  misspelled or wrong grammar, hope you enjoyed this chapter oh and Happy Christmas and happy thanks giving!)

The Bored Thunder (Skeleton Knight in another world x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now