Chapter 10

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When morning comes I don't even have breakfast, I just want to make things right with Jin, so after a shower I prepare a bag with clothes and other toiletries items he may need and I'm out with Thea behind.

"Y/n-ah... I'm hungry. Can we go to a cafè together before you go to your lover?" Thea complains.

"Can we do that another time? I want to give these things to Jin for him to clean up and talk to him."

She pouts teasingly "Uff... you don't have time for your best friend anymore."

I wrap my arms around her neck and swing us from side to side "Nuu, I'll make it up to you bestie! How about spending Christmas lunch all together? You, Woo-Bin and Dae can come to our house."

"Y/n!! This is a great idea! I'll ask them as soon as we are all home this evening!"

After daydreaming and planning for the perfect Christmas lunch we bid goodbye and I take my way to the Center.


"I'm here to see my mate, he is with two others of his mates. They have been hospitalized here three days ago."

"Their name?"

Yeah I should have asked Jin about their name... But, you know, I had other things in mind.

"Hm... I don't know them... My mate's name is Seok-Jin, he is a sugar glider hybrid, tall, very handsome, broad shoulders..." Please, an early morning gaffe is the last thing I need today.

"Oh! You are Y/n L/n then, right?"

Thanks! "Yes! It's me. Can I talk to him or are they still sleeping?"

"Oh dear, Jin-ssi didn't sleep a wink the whole night. He's such a sweet and caring mate. He kept taking care of the other two even as they slept. I'll go tell him you are here."

"Thank you so much!"

My sweet dumpling... he must be so tired. I miss him so much, this last night was the first I spent without him since he came home, and I missed his presence, his warmth, his arms around me, his scent and his breath on my neck. I missed waking up with the delicious smell of the breakfast he made. I missed his good morning kisses...


His cheery voice brings me back from my thoughts. I look up and here he is. He has a timid expression on his face, he seems a little uncomfortable, and to be honest I am too. Yesterday wasn't one of our best days, and I bet that he picked up on my mood from yesterday's call.

"Jin, hi" I wave at him. "Do you want to get a coffee and eat something from the cafeteria?"

"Sure, yeah, lead the way."

We walk side by side, but not as near as we used to do.

I order for both of us while he gets a table and when I catch up with him we fall back into an uneasy silence again.

"Do you like it?" I ask him. "Sure, it's not as good as what you would make, but I can assure you I've had worse, like everything that the university's cafeteria would give you ia a big NO." We both chuckle uneasily.

Fuck... at this rate we're getting nowhere...

"I'm sorry" He starts "For anything that made you upset. I knew something wasn't right, I heard it from your voice yesterday."

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